Page 25 of Race or Ruin

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Page 25 of Race or Ruin

Jackson leaned forward. “All done but the trim work, some finishing touches and getting Chris’s tattoo equipment set up.”

“That’s good news. Can’t wait to see it up and running.” Race was genuinely excited about Chris’s tattoo shop opening soon. He’d seen some of his drawings and the kid was beyond talented. He’d been thinking about getting new ink, but had been putting it off because the guy he usually goes to was booked so far out in advance. Having Chris around, he wouldn’t have to wait that long when he decided what he wanted.

His chest rose and fell with the weight of what he was about to lay on his club. It was going to hit Trick harder than the rest. “I had a visit from Preacher last night.” Looking around the table, everyone was as surprised as he had been last night.

“That where you got the black eye?” Dagger asked, a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Yeah. I caught him trying to break into Bellamy’s house,” he didn’t get any farther than that because his men were all grumbling and pissed off. They didn’t like Preacher hitting Race and they really didn’t like Preacher trying to break in Bellamy’s house. He held up his hand to settle them down. “I didn’t know it was him. We tussled a little bit. Bellamy threw water on us both and we were sent to my house.”

“She threw water on you guys? Why didn’t she scream or try to whack Preacher with broom stick or something?” Tuck wanted to know.

One side of his mouth kicked up. “Because he’s her brother.”

“No way!” Jed fell back in his seat.

“Yeah. That information doesn’t leave this room. He’s afraid his enemies could use her against him. Get me?” Race eyeballed each one, getting a nod of recognition of his order.

“Good. Now for what he told me.” He looked toward Trick, who immediately knew whatever he was about to say was going to affect him personally, and he stiffened in his seat. “Kurtis Black’s boss,” was as far as he got.

Trick closed his eyes and mumbled, “Fuck me.”

“His boss, a guy named Jacob Jacobson, has been sending men all around Colorado looking for leads that will help them find Kurtis. Because of his infatuation with Lindsey, they’ve focused their search in Redemption. From what Preacher is thinking, Jacobson has been around for at least three weeks. He thinks the man has been hanging back, watching us and planning. He says he’s been doing his own investigating into Jacobson and it seems he’s a top-tier human trafficker who has a lot of friends in high places, making him virtually untouchable.”

“Does he think Jacobson is after Lindsey?” Trick fisted his hands on top of the table.

“No. He thinks going after Lindsey would be too obvious and he’s going to come at us some other way.” Race rocked back in chair.

“Do you think that note you got in the mail is a part of this?” Dagger asked.

Race continued to rock in his chair. “Yeah. It looks that way.”

“Wait. What note?” Jed leaned forward, resting his arms on the table, his eyes zeroing in on Race.

“Gotta note in the mail here at the clubhouse a few weeks back sayingTick Tock. I didn’t know what the hell it meant or who sent it so I threw it in my desk and waited to see if anything else came of it.” He pulled the white envelope he’d received on his doorstep yesterday from his pocket and dropped it on the table. “This was on my doorstep yesterday.” He didn’t immediately explain what it meant, wanting to see if any of the others figured it out on their own. He’d had to have Preacher spell it out for him.

Dagger snatched it up and pulled out the black card. “For K? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He slid it down the table where Darren snatched it up.

“For Kurtis Black.” It only took Darren a few seconds to figure out. “K is for Kurtis. The black card meaning his last name.”

“Yeah. That’s what Preacher and I are thinking.” He had to hand it to him. Darren was a quiet guy, but his eyes led Race to believe he was highly intelligent. He didn’t need to know the man’s level of education to know how quickly his mind worked, as proven by how fast he’d figured out the latest message. Not for the first time, he wondered what Darren did before he joined the Sons.

“You got the first one a few weeks ago? Addressed to you personally? Why are we just now hearing about it?” Trick wanted to know. Considering Lindsey had been the target of Kurtis Black’s attention, he understood where he as coming from.

“We decided—” Dagger, their VP, started.

“No.Idecided to wait and see if anything else turned up. Nothing did until yesterday and I had to have Preacher spell it out for me on the second one.” He flicked a finger down the table toward the newest note.

“You’re our pres, if you’re in danger, we need to know.” Jackson spoke up.

“Yes. I understand that. I honestly didn’t think there was anything to the first note. I mean, how vague can you get? And someone is always pissed off at us for something.” Race tried to smooth their ruffled feathers. His brothers were upset with him. Rightly so. They looked to him for leadership and guidance and if something were to happen to him, the club would spiral out of control. For a little while. He had every faith that whoever stepped up to take charge would do an amazing job. Not that he was going anywhere soon.

Figuring he laid enough on them at this time, he called the meeting to an end, following them for a drink.

What would Jacobson’s next move be, he wondered.

* * *

Bellamy hadn’t beencrazy about the idea of going to Calliope’s birthday party at the clubhouse tonight. In fact, if she hadn’t promised Calliope weeks ago that she’d come tonight, she would have found a way to get out of it. Knowing that she’d been cooped up all week with a sick kid and a sick husband and this was her first night out in a long while, there was no way Bellamy could bail on her friend.

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