Page 20 of Race or Ruin
She dropped her heels in the walk-in closet, stripped off her clothes and went to her bathroom. She found some music on her phone and hooked it up to the wireless speaker. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. She found her lighter in a drawer and lit several candles around the bathtub and countertop, then switched the overhead lights off. She added some bubble bath and bath salts to the water and took off her makeup while she waited for the tub to fill up.
Twisting her newly done hair, she secured it with a clip. She piled it on top so she could lean the back of her head on the back of the tub without having plastic poking into her skull. She stepped into the tub and eased herself down with an “ahhhh.” It wasn’t until she was leaning back, completely submerged up to her neck that she realized she should have grabbed a glass of wine. Oh well, too late now. She wasn’t getting up and running through the house to get one at this point. No, she closed her eyes, listening to the music, wondering what she had in the fridge to eat. There was leftover chili she could eat. Maybe she’d heat up a hotdog and make it a chili dog.
At the sound of her stomach growling she realized she must have dozed off. Time to get out and get something to eat. She dried off and got dressed in flannel PJ bottoms and a long-sleeve thermal shirt. She pulled on a pair of thick socks and called it good. Upon entering the kitchen, she pulled the clip from her hair and laid it on the counter. She opened the refrigerator, looking for a hotdog and some chili. It would be the easiest and quickest thing to make this late at night. At first, she didn’t understand why something felt off. She looked around the kitchen trying to see if there was anything out of place. Not seeing anything, she shrugged and went back to perusing the contents of her refrigerator.
“Wait a minute.” She stepped back, closing the refrigerator door. “What the hell!” This wasn’t the refrigerator she’d bought. This was the more sensible one she thought about getting until she remembered she’d spent a whole week taking cold showers. Then she’d decided on the super-duper side-by-side with the lower freezer and ice maker in the door. She opened her freezer and saw that her favorite Rocky Road ice cream was gone. “Oh no he didn’t,” she growled. If he thought he was going to get by with coming into her house and trading out her refrigerator, he was sadly mistaken.
She stomped over to her kitchen window, checking to see if he had any lights on at his house. It looked like the living room and kitchen lights were on. Ha! There he was in the kitchen. That rat bastard. Did he take hers back and replace it with this one? Not that this was a bad refrigerator. It was actually quite nice, but it wasn’t the one she’d originally had delivered. It wasn’t the one she’d gotten just to piss him off. Bellamy shoved her feet into a pair of snow boots she kept next to the back door, completely forgot her coat in her current snit and stomped across her backyard to his back door and banged loudly.
She heard some moving around behind the door, locks unlocking and finally Race opened up, a frown on his face. “What the hell are you doing beating down my door? And where’s your coat?”
He was dressed in nothing but his jeans, his body blocking her from seeing into his kitchen, but she didn’t care. “Move it.” She shoved at his bare chest and moved past him quickly. If she hadn’t caught him off guard, she doubted she’d have made it past him. She spun on her heel and demanded, “What did you do with my refrigerator?”
Race closed the door behind her, then shoved his hands in his front pockets. He glanced over her shoulder in such a way that she turned to see what he was looking at. Her eyes immediately zeroed in onherrefrigerator. So he hadn’t returned hers. He’d outrightstolenhers. “Oh. You jerk. You stole my refrigerator?”
A huge grin stole over his face, clearly enjoying the fact that he’d gotten one over on her. “I didn’t steal your refrigerator.”
“Oh yeah? What do you call that?” She slung her hand out toward the appliance in question.
“I call that a fucking nice refrigerator.”
She didn’t know what to say. She was so aggravated at the man, she was momentarily speechless. That gave him the opportunity to continue. “I took it and bought you a new one. I don’t know why your panties are in such a wad. The one over there now is a nice refrigerator. The kind you put in arental property. Not that one.” He pointed to the one behind her.
If Race knew how close she was to throat punching him right now, he’d wipe that stupid sexy smile off his face.
“Come on. Did you really think I was going to let you spend that much money on a refrigerator?”
“You said to pick one out. So I picked one out. You didn’t specify an amount.” Bellamy went to the fridge and opened it up. Beer, lunch meat, eggs, milk. None of her food. Whatever. She opened the freezer and the first thing she found was Rocky Road ice cream. “You stole my ice cream, too?”
“Yeah. It’s good shit.” He laughed. “Love that kind.”
Grrrr. That man drove her nuts! Why did he have to look so freaking hot leaning against his kitchen sink, shirtless, with the biggest, sexiest smile she’d ever seen plastered on his face? Couldn’t he see she was pissed? Didn’t he know he was supposed to act contrite for screwing her over? No. Not Race. He had to taunt and gloat.
Unable to stand it anymore, she stomped over to where he was standing and stuck a finger in his chest. She poked him with each word. “Why. Are. You. Laughing?”
Race gripped her hand in a tight hold, keeping her from poking him further. He had the nerve to laugh as he said, “Because you’re so damn cute when you’re pissed.”
She tried to yank her hand out of his tight grip, but he pulled back, refusing to release her. Thus began their tug-of-war.
“Settle down before I make you.” He chuckled and grunted as he wrestled her arms behind her. The move forced her boobs into his chest, her nipples growing hard with the contact. Holy moley. She’d forgotten how much she liked the feel of his solid chest against hers. His words finally registered, irritating her further.
“Make me? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?” She saw immediately that Race had taken her question as a challenge. The light in his eyes lost all humor and was immediately replaced with something else she refused to put a name to.
Still gripping both of her arms behind her back in one of his, he used his free hand to clasp her jaw and apply just enough pressure to keep her where he wanted her. “How am I going to do that? I’ll show you.”
His mouth suddenly dropped to hers. She’d been so totally unprepared for the move, she gasped, allowing him exactly what he wanted. Entrance to her mouth, where he proceeded to plunder the breath right out of her. The kiss was soft, searching. He pulled back, his brows knitting together as if he was as confused by what was happening even though he was the one to initiate it. His eyes were searching for the briefest of moments, before they dropped down to her lips once more. This time, when his lips made contact with hers, the kiss was decidedly more heated, a little aggressive.
The feel of his firm lips against her own felt truly amazing. She was trapped between wanting to see how far he was willing to go with his explorations and shoving him away and running back to her house, pretending this never happened. How could the man provoke such conflicting emotions within her?
Race’s hand released her arms, allowing her to wrap them around his neck, sinking her body deeper into his with a moan. The feel of his hands on her hips, slowly sliding up her waist only spurred her on. It wasn’t until she felt his hand on her bare breast that she realized he’d slid his hands underneath her shirt. His hand gently groped her boob, his thumb rubbing back and forth over her nipple.
She pulled back from the kiss on a gasp. “Race.” Her voice came out breathy, barely above a whisper. Was she begging him to stop or was she begging him to keep going?
He stared into her eyes and apparently found what he was looking for. He must have taken her plea as permission to continue. From one breath to the next, he had her shirt up and over her head, tossing it to the table. He dropped to his knees, taking one nipple into his mouth and then the other.
“Oh my God.” Her eyes closed and her head fell back as she buried her hands in his hair and held him close to her chest.
“Mmmm.” The feel of Race’s hum against her breast caused her to shiver in excitement.