Page 24 of Heathens
“You think you got this under control?” I asked him. “I’d like to get her and her friend home before everyone on this island is shitty drunk. You know how Heathens Hollow gets before the first hunt.”
Braken nodded and patted my back. “Go.”
Chapter 11
“You’re coming home with me,” Locke said, as he took my hand after we dropped Fiora off at her cottage and turned us back toward The Vault where I knew his car was parked.
I tugged on his hand, but his grip only tightened. “What? Why? We’re almost to my place.”
“Because the island is full of strangers tonight. Everyone is drunk and celebrating Heathens, and I don’t feel safe having you stay in your cottage alone.” He glared at me. “And I don’t feel like explaining myself further.”
A wave of heat washed over me as Locke’s grip on my hand tightened. The way he looked at me with such intensity almost made me forget my earlier objections.
I hesitated, but something about the way he spoke made me feel like he truly was worried about my safety. “Fine,” I relented, “but only because I know I made you angry tonight, and I feel bad. I guess the least I can do is follow your wishes now.”
Locke chuckled wryly, his lips twisting into a wicked smile. “You act as if I was asking and you’re in a position to give your permission.” He leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear. “There will be consequences for angering me tonight.”
My heart raced as I tried to process his words. What did he mean by consequences?
I pushed back the fear that was starting to bubble up inside me and forced my feet to walk. I knew Locke well enough to know that he was a man of his word, and I had a feeling that I had just signed myself up for something that I couldn’t back out of.
We reached his car, and he opened the door for me, gesturing for me to get in. I slid into the passenger seat, and he shut the door behind me before walking around to the driver’s side.
The ride to his house was silent, except for the sound of the engine, the beating of my heart, and a slight ringing in my ears.
When we arrived at his house, he led me inside, his grip still firm on my hand. The house was dimly lit, and my heart raced as I followed him through the front door.
His house was big and beautifully designed with expensive furniture and a minimalist decor. I felt out of place, as usual in his elegant surroundings, as he led me to the living room. He gestured for me to sit on the couch and disappeared into the kitchen, only to return minutes later with two glasses of whiskey.
He handed me one glass and sat down next to me. “Drink,” he ordered, his eyes fixed on mine.
I hesitated for a second before taking a sip. The whiskey was smooth and burned down my throat, leaving a warm feeling in my stomach. I took another sip, feeling braver now that the alcohol was coursing through my veins.
Locke took his time sipping his whiskey, his eyes never leaving mine. I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. The silence between us was deafening, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking.
Finally, Locke spoke. “You know, you have a lot of nerve, provoking me like that. I set rules for a reason. The Vault is off limits.”
I took another sip of my whiskey, trying to calm the nervous fluttering in my stomach. “I didn’t mean to provoke you. I was just trying to have some fun like everyone else does in this town. I’ve never been part of Heathens before and, well… it seemed like now was as good a time as any.”
Locke scoffed. “Fun? You call flaunting yourself in front of every man on this island fun? You were rubbing yourself on a complete stranger. You didn’t even know who that man was.”
I frowned, feeling defensive. “I wasn’t flaunting myself. I was just dancing. And isn’t the entire point of the masked event to not know who anyone is?”
“Dancing? That wasn’t dancing, that was seduction. Dangerous seduction.”
I bristled at his accusation. “I wasn’t trying to seduce anyone. I was just enjoying myself.”
Locke leaned closer, his eyes darkening with anger. “He was seducingyou, Storee. And you can’t just do whatever you want without thinking of the consequences.”
I felt a spark of anger flare up inside me. “I’m a grown woman, Locke. I don’t need you to tell me what to do. I said I was sorry for crossing into your domain, but I’m not sorry for dancing with another man. I’m not a little girl anymore. I don’t have a curfew and a bedtime.”
Locke’s eyes followed my every move as I took another drink of my whiskey, his gaze intense and unwavering. He slowly leaned in closer to me, his hand reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I could feel the heat radiating off his body, and it made my skin tingle.
“You’re right,” he finally said. “I’m a man of action. Not words. I don’t need totellyou anything. I need toshowyou.”
He stood up and took hold of his belt buckle, effortlessly undoing it and yanking the leather through the loops with a hissing swoosh that made my heart skip.