Page 6 of Killer (Project)
Blood. Bathe in the blood of your enemies,the little voice in my head said. I smiled like the devil at the mere thought of killing—slaughtering.
I made my way up from the fourth floor climbing all four flights of stairs without a single bead of sweat forming. I was made this way. I was made to be indestructible.
Finding the nearest exit, I pushed out into the open alleyway that sat next to the building. It was time to hunt. To prey upon those who deserved it most. A piece of who I was, the one who clung to my humanity, the one who held onto the memory of that girl—disappeared. In its place was a man who would kill without even a thought. When I looked at the world through these eyes, I saw mass chaos and the need to rectify, to deliver my revenge. There was no mercy, compassion, or caring.
There was only death, revenge, and blood.
With my heart beating out of my chest, I lifted my nose into the air, searching for my next kill. In a city like this, rapist, criminals, and other disgusting beings, I could find my next kill without any effort.
I scoured the alleyways until I stumbled upon a man cornering a woman. Her shrill cries could be heard from a block over, yet everyone continued to pass by ignoring the problem. That was the issue with these people. They didn’t care about those who were being preyed upon. They just kept going on, minding their own business, acting as if they hadn’t even seen it. That’s how they were raised—to turn a blind eye to those being hurt.
A growl escaped my throat as the man who held the woman against the wall turned toward me.
“Want to join?” he asked, his hand slipping under her shirt. Tears had started streaming down the woman’s face, her lips swollen, and one of her eyes black.
“Yes,” I said with an animalistic sound now present in my voice. My body pleaded with me to snatch him up by the throat. To crush his windpipe, to make him beg for his next breath. His smile grew bigger in the dim lighting. He thought I wanted to join him in the raping of the woman he had taken captive. The very woman he was beating on.
“Roger, stop. Please stop.” Another memory hit me. The same girl crying and pleading with someone to stop. What were they doing to her?
Rage consumed me as I pushed the memory away and crossed the alleyway a second later. I gripped the man by his jacket pulling him into my face as the woman slumped against the building.
Then my hands were around his throat. My teeth were clenched like the beast I was as I squeezed with all my might. I had no need to punch or to kick. I had learned cutting off air supply was the best way to go. Fewer marks, less screaming, and it gave them a chance to stare into my eyes as I watched the life leave their body.
The man’s eyes bulged out as I squeezed tighter and tighter. I could hear the shattering of bones and feel the pulsing of blood through his still beating heart. My muscles burned as heat bloomed in my veins stirring the fiery beast within.
I closed my eyes as I felt his skin breaking. I felt his blood marring my hands, the warmth of his death radiated through me causing a europium of emotions to form. As I released his lifeless body to the ground, I focused on my breathing… rubbing the blood of my enemy into my hands.
The shallow cries of the woman could be heard in the back of my mind, but I hesitated. Making sure she was okay wasn’t something I should do. I was a monster. I could kill her. One kill was never enough.Never. I could feel it already, the need to deprive someone of life filling me to the brim. I needed to get away from this woman, and I needed to do it now before she became my next victim.
As I took my first step away from the woman, a voice entered my mind cutting off all movement.
“You’re so smart, Diesel.”
“Stop,” I screamed, my hands clawing at my head. I wanted to rip the memories from my mind. To throw them away. I was paralyzed, a victim to my own memories, my own body.
“Are you flirting with me?” She smiled as I placed my hand on hers. Her brown eyes were so warm and vibrant.
“Stop. I can’t take it anymore.” I fell to my knees. The strongest most-indestructible man on the planet had one singular weakness that he wasn’t even aware of, someone he had no name for—just mere memories of his life.
Either I was going crazy, having been dosed one too many times or I was starting to remember small glimpses of my life before I became the man I am now. All I knew was that neither one was good for me. Remembering my previous life had the chance of pulling me into a deeper, darker world. Not remembering would drive me insane. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t.
“Killer, stand in your cell or I’ll have to send someone in who will make you.” I gritted my teeth. I would love to see them try. Rage stirred inside of me, the idea of getting my hands on them again. I loved the feel of their bones breaking, the rage that would consume me at that moment.
“5…” He was counting down to his own death.
“4…” He had no idea what I wanted to do to him, but he was going to find out soon.
“3…” I cracked my knuckles and waited for them to enter…
“2… Back up…” His voice was shallow, almost not meeting my ears. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and a smile pulled at my lips.
“1…” The doors to my cell opened and in they walked with their tranquilizers and doping drugs. I had lashed out before they got the chance to touch me, swiping my hand across the chest of the man who was closest to me as I dug my fingers into his flesh. Blood sprayed from his wound, splattering against the wall and other men with him. I felt nothing for killing him. He would be replaced tomorrow by someone just as dumb as he was.
“Killer…” I could hear someone yelling just as a dart hit me square in the chest. I smiled knowing I, at the very least, had gotten my point across.