Page 14 of Killer (Project)
“Everyone stand the fuck back until it kicks in, and then we’ll take him into medical housing for a while.” I wanted to laugh at his pathetic attempts at warning the others. If anyone died today, it would be their fault. Blood may stain my hands, but it was their fault I had lashed out.
“You cannot stop me. Nothing can stop me,” I growled.
“Come back to me. You can’t leave me here. God, you can’t take him. You can’t.”I could hear her cries and feel her tears against my skin. It wasn’t real… It’s not real.
“Shoot him again,” someone yelled. Another prick to my arm, which caused me to fill to the brim with rage, lashing out even more. The steel shot through my veins moving my muscles and causing my body to bow off the floor. My head was hazy and the room spun as the walls began to close in on me. Those who seemed far away were now right on top of me, their faces masked in hate.
“I’ll kill you all,” I screamed.
“Come back to me. You can’t leave me here. God, you can’t take him. You can’t.”
“Stop fighting it, Killer.” I shook my head hysterically. Her words echoed inside of my mind… It was like a prayer to my heart.
“Come back to me. You can’t leave me here. God, you can’t take him. You can’t.”
I clung to her words. As my body settled into a deep darkness, the light before my eyes dulling like a candle that had been burnt out. The light dimmed until eventually… it was gone.
I was gone.
Sweat trickled down my spine as the coldness of the chains pressed against my wrists, biting into my skin. I could feel the blood seeping out of the wounds the metal had caused from me being suspended in the air by my arms. My body sagged, weariness threatened to take me, and yet he kept on with his torture.
Whip. Another lash to my torso as a sinister smile spread across my face. The pain left behind by the whip was nothing compared to the fury that was threatening to escape.
“You can whip me all you want. I won’t obey on my own accord,” I said, bitterness in every word I spoke.
“You will… or we get the L1. Oh, and me whipping you is more fun for me than a technique used to get you to obey.” The cockiness in his words made me manic. I could feel the madness running through my veins as I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and took a deep breath.
“Fun for you? Well, now it’s time for me to have a little ‘fun’ of my own.” Before he registered what I had said, I mustered up all the strength I had left in me and grabbed the chains, winding the metal around my hands. This movement lifted me higher up, and when I had a good grip, I yanked as hard as I could. With a loud snap, the chains instantly broke from the lock that was cemented into the ceiling as my blood pumped through me in a frenzy. The sound of my feet hitting the ground echoed throughout the cold, white room.
Standing up, I took a step closer. A step closer to my victim. Chaos swirled around in my head as the broken chains dragged behind my bloodied and battered body. No longer was there humor in his eyes. No, there was fear, fear that made me happy, crazy with a need to destroy. I watched as he brought the whip up, his hand trembling as he lashed it at me, the thin leather wrapping around my wrist as it cut into my skin. I wanted to laugh. Was this his way of stopping me from hurting him? From ripping his still-beating heart out of his chest?
With precise precision, I grabbed the whip that stood between my tormentor and me. I pulled with all my might watching as he tried to resist me, to fight back against my strength. As if he could hide from the anger that he had stirred inside of me. The friction of my skin against the leather caused the whip to slice my palms wide open. I could feel the blood dripping from the wounds, but my mind was on the man before me. A demented smile formed on my face as he fell to the ground landing on his knees. With a flick of my wrist, I was wrapping the whip around his neck while I wiped the blood from my torso. The blood he had caused me to bleed, I smeared across his face.
“Don’t… don’t kill me. I didn’t want… they made me do everything to you.” His words came out in a rush as I listened to him beg and plead for his life.
“It’s a little late for that.” There was no mercy in my voice, no remorse for the things I was about to do to him. I was a killer.
Those were the last words I had said to him before I ripped him to shreds, piece by piece. The last words before I came down from my high of vengeance. From my high of retribution. Of the need to feel his blood coating my hands in return for him making me bleed.
“11.”The voice crackled through the speaker that was located by my door of captivity.
“11. Congratulations. You learned the lesson in today’s training. Kill for revenge.”
When I awoke, my head throbbed. I wasn’t sure what was up or down. The blankets before me weren’t my own. The bed not my own, yet I was here. In this bed. There were no restraints, and as I looked at my arms for injection marks to see if it was all a nightmare, I realized I truly had gone off the rails.
“How are you feeling?” Gauge asked me. My gaze swung to him. He was standing in the doorjamb staring at me with a grave look of disappointment. Somewhere inside of me, I knew the way he was looking at me should’ve mattered, that me hurting him and my brothers should’ve of bothered me. Yet it didn’t.
“Like I got hit by a fucking truck. “
“It’s the L1.” One letter plus one number was the result of me losing control over my own body. He knew I hated that drug, yet he doped me up on it anyway.
“We didn’t have an option. You ended up almost killing a woman, who we had to bring in, and then you just totally lost it. We had to do what we could to calm you down. You were manic, and we didn’t know what you would do.”
I didn’t want to blame Gauge for having to shoot me up. I don’t remember what happened, but I’m certain I was too far gone in an uncontrollable state if he had to put me down. I rubbed a hand down my face. Sweat clung to my hair and tension filled my belly.The woman.I remembered her and her stupid fucking friend.
“I don’t blame you, Gauge. You did what you had to do.” I sighed. I didn’t want to deal with the emotions swirling around in my head, the memories festering in my brain, never leaving. With each old and new memory, I knew just as much as I did from the last.Nothing.