Page 28 of Bred By the Villain
I hold my tone level and try hard not to scare her. I’m not a complete bastard but the longer she denies her father’s sins the angrier I get.
“Your father killed mine. Three years ago today, in fact. And I’m not waiting for him to answer for his crimes to some higher power. Your father is going to answer to me.”
She’s already shaking her head before I fully finish. “I’m sorry, but that has nothing to do with me. My fatherwillfind you and hewillkill you.”
“He can try, sweetheart. But it’s me who will be putting a bullet in his head this time around. And then the circle of life will be complete. Blood for blood.”
I don’t tell her the seed we both had a hand planting in her womb is all the blood I’m after now. A mixing of the families. All thanks to her sweet body, impossibly soul-consuming moans, and irresistible taste. If men are considered the powerhouses of Earth, then it’s the women who control the Universe with us as their worshipers. Because yesterday I wanted her blood on my blade, but today I want nothing more than her round with my baby and to hear her soft voice until death takes me away.
Beneath us, I can feel the boat slow and I know we’ve reached our destination.
“So I’m your bait? That’s all this was about?”
Fuck that pout has me hungry for a taste. I grunt. “You sound hurt.”
Yesterday the answer to her question would have been a firm yes. But after tasting her, savoring her tight channel around my cock. Feeling her heartbeat against my lips as she took my seed, my priorities are different. I could lie and tell her she was nothing more than a means to an end but changing how I operate would do neither of us any good. “You’re more than I bargained for. Let’s leave it at that.”
But that doesn't mean I have to tell her the blood I want is the baby I know she’s carrying inside her womb. My baby. She’s taken my milk enough to have the odds squarely in my favor. And before her father arrives, I plan on giving her more. Much more.
“I regret ever sleeping with you, ever meeting you.” Her breath comes in short excited gasps like she wants me to react to her words.
Leaning down, invading her space with my larger body, I scrap my teeth along her shoulder and then higher to nip her earlobe.
“You don’t mean that. And I’ll prove it to you.” I roughly whisper into her ear.
She moans, a betrayal to herself I can tell. She clamps her lips into a flat line and glares at me wishing I would burst into flames. I don’t need to be a psychic to read her thoughts to understand a death glare when I see one.
I reach for the key to the cuffs intent on giving her some comfort when a size five foot lands squarely in my solar plexus.
I exhale gruffly and grab the offending foot, loving the twinkle of bravado in Serenity’s eyes just before I tug, knocking her off balance.
Before she can land a second kick, I grab her other foot, placing them on my shoulder. With both feet pinned together she kicks out and with her hands still cuffed to my bed she locks her knees around my waist, pinning me to the mattress. On the way down my head connects with the back wall.
I grunt from the pain but hold her steady so we both don’t fall over the edge of the bed.
Surprise at her outburst makes me want to laugh at first. But the look of shock on her face makes my cock painfully hard and well, laughing is the last thing on my mind now.
“Wow, that actually worked. I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”
I find her soft curves and wrap my hands around them. “Oh, little girl, you are about to be very sorry.”
Green eyes widen on me. With fear, arousal, or a little bit of both, I don’t know. But I’m about to find out. I flip us around with her on her back, making sure her hands are still secure above her head and her legs around my waist. Between us my cock is nestled just right against her wet heat and I do mean wet.
What a little liar. Like this, her plump breasts are on full display and I take my time savoring each one.
“I thought you regretted last night?”
“I do!” She seethes, but we both hear the moan slip from her lips when I suck a hard nipple between my warm lips.
“Oh?” I push. “Is that so?”
But there’s no denying the moans. I unlock her hands from the headboard, but leave the cuffs around her wrist. I turn her back around until she’s in front of me with her ass in the air. I grip her hair and hold her in place as I lean in and drag my tongue over her sticky folds eating my fill of juicy pussy while fingering her.
“Arh! Lucas!”
A knock comes at the door and I push away from the bed, her juices covering my lips and fingers.
I jerk the door open. “What the fuck do you want?”