Page 2 of Bred By the Villain
“That’s all.” I straightened, folding my arms across my chest. Midnight slapped me on the shoulder as he passed. A sign all would be well and that one small gesture made me rest easier knowing my VP would take care of the territory dispute with the Wraiths.
It’s better they handle the smaller skirmishes because if I got involved Midnight and I wouldn’t stop until there are bodies in the morgue.
Besides, I had other things to worry about. Like how to keep from taking the fall for an illegal drug deal we were trying to prevent between the Wraiths and another club when the bust happened. The feds refused to think we could be the ones fighting against letting that Euphoria—a designer drug—hit the streets so I didn’t waste a lot of time cluing them in.
We do a lot of shit not even the Holy Pope could get pardons for, but drugs were one area I drew a hard line on and my men knew it. I took an oath with my buddy Ares and I mean to keep it.
Turns out the would-be supplier of drugs had been under the feds’ radar for a month. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before he squealed like a little girl. Which translated to telling the feds what they wanted to hear for a plea deal—thatwewere pushing Euphoria and about to make a major purchase.
All fucking lies. No way were we going to take the heat for shit we didn’t do.
The men filed out of the room. I took up the rear. Looking around the club, I could see the emptiness where the eight stolen women had been. I raised a jaw to one of the recruits. The tall, tattooed guy came over.
“Rustle up some willing women for yourselves, would ya? The guys need a release and there’s not enough left to go around. Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve and it’s pretty sad around here.”
“Sure, Prez.”
A woman came up from behind and leaned her slight frame against my side, smelling of cheap tequila and cheaper perfume. The cigar between her ruby lips was supposed to entice me, but it just made me want to hit the road for a long ride under the winter moonlight. This far south, we don’t worry about ice on the roads this time of year. Maybe I should.
“Hey, papi. Want it?”
I wasn’t sure if she was talking about the stogie or her.
My stomach turned. Trying not to be rude, I shook her off as gently as possible. “Go find somebody to hang with tonight, sweetheart. I’m not going to be good company.”
A hurt expression crossed her made-up face but she skittered away to the next man she saw.
Fierce. Despite his name and rugged appearance, the poor brute of a man was soft on the club candy. Why, I didn’t have a clue. The man looks like he’s been through several wars and wears a cast iron shield around his heart, but looks can be deceiving. I guess men of his grit had less of a qualm about where he put his dick. A few years back I was the same. But back then I couldn't be picky. I had even less time for women than now. My father left me to pick up the slack around the house when he left my mom for a prostitute he thought was sent to him by God to save his soul.
I guess God didn’t get the memo.
Dear old Dad was found dead two weeks later of a drug overdose, the prostitute nowhere to be found.
I wish I could make that shit up, but there you have it and why it was so easy to make a pact with Ares to never push drugs through my territory.
I looked on as Fierce grabbed the stogie from CeCe with one hand and slid the other beneath her skirt and sank flexed fingers into the plump flesh of her ass.
Yeah, there comes a time in a man’s life where easy women don't do shit for a man. I stood at the cusp of considering celibacy rather than bed another woman every member of the club already sampled.
“Why’d you shake off CeCe?” Midnight leaned casually against the wall sipping on a chilled beer. “She’s been after you since becoming Venom candy.”
I slid him a narrowed look. “Not my type, I guess. Fuck if I know. She’s cute, but does nothing for me.”
“Isn’t pussy just that? Pussy? What’s the problem? None of these girls seem to be your type anymore. You becoming a monk, brother?”
I grunted and cracked a smile, but inside my gut churned. “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll pass. Just haven’t seen one worth having and don’t let the club candy hear you talking smack about them beingjustpussy. They might cut your dick off in your sleep.”
Midnight shrugged but a look in his eyes said he heeded the warning. “Lots are good with their mouths though. I’m just sayin’.”
I give a half-hearted shrug. “Not into them either.”
Midnight raised a brow. “Interesting. But I feel you, brother. I have to say, though, you seem more uptight for a while now. Maybe you should reconsider the no woman policy you seem to have taken up.”
I took a deep breath. “Maybe. Maybe not.” In the past, grabbing some club candy was the best way to work out some tension. I was good to let out some of the stress from having the feds constantly on our backs or the Wraiths fucking with me or the club.
Those days didn’t call to me as much. Maybe the club life was the problem.
“You need to keep your cool, Drake, more than any of us. Grab a beer, tequila. Fuck someone. And tomorrow you’ll know how to get out of it with the feds.”