Page 49 of Burned Dreams
Alessandro looks up and, for a fleeting second, our gazes connect, but he quickly looks away. It stings. Especially since I’ve never felt as I did this morning, surrounded by his body, his hot breath on my face, and his cock inside me. I felt . . . free. Like nothing and no one could ever reach me, or hurt me again. His presence was an impenetrable wall, sheltering me, and protecting me from harm.
I should be ashamed of cheating on my husband, but I’m not. If I could turn back time, I would do it all over again. I want to feel Alessandro’s body next to mine again, and it’s not only about sex. It’s him. Since the day we met, I’ve felt a pull toward him. I thought he felt something toward me, too. In my pitiful need to be loved, I let myself see the things that weren’t ever there. He just wanted to bang his boss’s wife aspayback.
“Ravenna, my dear?”
“Sorry,” I quickly look away from my bodyguard. “I was lost in thought.”
“It’s understandable. You must be worried about Rocco. Did they say when he can come home?”
Bile rises up my throat at that notion. “In a few weeks.”
“Oh, so long? You must miss him. The two of you are such a beautiful couple.” She smiles and starts to say something else but shouting erupts somewhere in the room.
I turn toward a group gathered at one of the tables, just in time to see an older man swinging his fist at another guy.
“I knew that man was trouble waiting to happen,” Eleonora says next to me, nodding toward the younger fellow who avoided the punch and is now responding with a kick to his opponent’s stomach.
“Who’s that?” I ask.
“Damian Rossi. His brother is the don in Chicago.” She smirks. “Ortensia says he’s a beast in bed.”
“He was allowed to come here?” I ask. Members of the other Cosa Nostra families are strictly forbidden from entering the New York area without our don’s permission.
“Ajello has some sort of big business happening with his brother. Damian must have got the approval, which I’m sure will be revoked soon. That man, the one trying to strangle him, is Ortensia’s husband.”
Security guys approach Damian Rossi, trying to subdue him. In all the commotion, the betrayed husband yells something and reaches into his jacket. I don’t see what happens next because a solid mountain of muscles masquerading as a black suit materializes before my eyes. A gunshot rings out.
Two large arms enfold around me, and I find myself with feet dangling off the ground as Alessandro carries me across the room. I can’t see where he’s going or what’s going on because my face and body are plastered to his front. I can only hear shouts and another gunshot somewhere behind Alessandro. Meanwhile, he casually continues to saunter toward his destination. I understand that this kind of shit must happen often in his line of work, but shouldn’t we run or something when there is gunfire raging all around?
“Are we going on a stroll?” I mumble into his chest.
“Maybe you could walk faster then?”
“No bullet will hit you, Ravenna.”
Of course, it won’t hit me when my whole body is covered by his! “It may hit you!” I snap.
“Chances of that happening are slim.”
Behind us, the chaos in the room seems to have died down because now only quiet murmuring can be heard. I wouldn’t doubt if the party guests have already switched from hysterics to gossip. Alessandro’s measured steps come to a halt, and he lowers me to the floor but keeps his arms firm around me.
“Don’t move,” he says before finally letting me go and turning to survey the room.
I can’t see anything except his ridiculously wide back, so I lean a bit to the side to peer around him. Damian Rossi is being dragged away by a couple of guys. He looks pissed off but unharmed. The other man, Ortensia’s husband, is slumped in a nearby chair, holding a bag of ice to his chin. The rest of the guests are gathered in small groups of three or four, snickering among themselves and waving to waiters to bring more drinks. Typical.
“It’s safe,” Alessandro says.
I don’t even look at him as I step around and head toward the bar where Eleonora is standing with Pietro. The feeling of being held tightly in Alessandro’s arms won’t fade. I want more. It’s like an instant addiction that only he can feed. I despise it.
“Gin and tonic,” I say to the barman and take a spot to Eleonora’s right.
If my husband was here, he would have had a fit. Rocco Pisano’s wife would never be seen with anything other than wine. Well, fuck Rocco. And fuckRocco’s wife. I’m my own person I have my own likes and dislikes. And I detest wine. He tried his best to suppress the person I am, and I let him. With every degrading remark, with every hit, I let myself sink deeper and deeper until almost nothing was left. It took being fucked and then discarded by my bodyguard for me to come to my senses.
“My God, that was awful,” Eleonora exclaims. “One of the bullets damaged the ceiling. I don’t think we’ll be allowed to rent this place again.”
“Probably not.” I shrug, pick up the tumbler the bartender had set on a coaster before me, and take a big gulp.