Page 5 of Model Behavior (Le CRV Magazine Women of the Year)
"Three years. I decided I liked the business side of things better than the modeling side of things." A self-conscious laugh burbles from her lips. "I'm afraid you may be disappointed."
"Hey." I take a risk and reach out to tip her chin up until her eyes meet mine again. "You could never be a disappointment, Trinity. Trust me?"
"I…" She stares at me for a moment, her lips parted and a soft look in her eyes. Her expression darkens, heating. Her face flushes, but it's not from embarrassment. The tip of her tongue peeks from between her lips and then she nods. "Yes."
Chapter Three
"You're from Los Angeles?" Sage asks. "Turn to the left."
"I live in Los Angeles," I respond, turning like he instructed. Once I'm where he wants me, he grunts, letting me know I'm where he wants me. "But I was born and raised in Nashville."
"Nice city. Lift your arm over your head," he growls, rapidly snapping photos.
I fight the urge to shiver as his gruff voice rolls over me and then do as instructed. I lift my arm, letting my fingers graze the back of my head. My lips are slightly parted, my eyes locked on Sage as he moves around in front of me, trying to get the best angle.
"You live with a boyfriend?" he growls, lowering the camera until we make eye contact over the top of it. His expression is intense, fiery. God, he's beautiful. And the way he keeps looking at me makes me feel beautiful too.
"No," I say, holding his gaze. "No boyfriends."
"Good girl."
I shiver as that deep purr rolls over me.
He notices. One corner of his mouth tics upward into a rusty smile. His gaze rolls over me again, setting my blood on fire in my veins. And then he raises the camera again, effectively breaking eye contact with me. I take the opportunity to look him up and down again before the shutter starts clicking.
I've heard so much about him over the years, but no one ever mentioned that he's sexy as sin. He's thick everywhere, like the redwood giants in California. His arms are as big around as tree trunks, his skin golden-brown from the sun. Despite my size, he dwarves me in a way I find all too appealing. Keeping my eyes off him is impossible.
His eyes remind me of seafoam. They're so full of intensity and command that I find myself obeying his instructions without thought. He speaks and my body just reacts on instinct. I think his voice is partially responsible for that. It's deep and dark, as full of command as those gorgeous eyes. As soon as I heard it the first time, my panties grew damp.
His silver hair is a little on the longer side. I keep imagining clutching it while he has his face between my thighs, tickling me with that silver beard. It's hard to focus when X-rated images of this man keep popping into my mind every five seconds. But he's so damn attractive it's ridiculous. No one warned me that I'd want to melt into a puddle at his feet every time he growled at me. Or that his rusty smile would make my knees tremble.
Every time he murmurs, "Good girl", I have to bite my tongue to keep from whimpering out loud. I'm so turned on it's ridiculous. I can't remember the last time that happened. Actually, I can. It's never happened. Ever. No one ever makes me weak in the knees, and I've never been so eager to please anyone before in my life.
"What about you?" I ask.
"Boyfriends?" I hear the amusement in his voice.
"Or girlfriends."
"Neither," he growls. "Never had time for a woman." He hesitates for a second, his finger hovering just above the button on his camera. "That'll be changing now."
I open my mouth to ask why and then snap it closed again, worried about how he might answer that question. If he says he found someone, I might actually cry, which makes no sense to me. I just met him a few hours ago! And yet…as soon as he touched me, I felt like the world shifted beneath my feet. I know he felt it too. I saw it in his eyes.
"Turn the light to the right," he orders his assistant.
I forgot she was even here. All I've been able to see is Sage. He's the sun, blotting out everything else. I don't think it's his reputation either. It's him. He's so damnbig. I've spent seven years of my life with male models. Not one of them ever set my body on fire like this man does. There's nothing soft about him. He's rough and hard. I understand why people are intimidated by him. Some people are born with presence. It's impossible to overlook them. He's one of those people. He carries himself like he's used to being obeyed without question.
I shift my foot forward, cocking my hip back and turning my head slightly. He snaps several more photos while Gabby plays with the lighting, trying to get it just right. The sun drifted behind clouds a few minutes ago and it's getting chilly on the roof. We're only ten stories up, but the East River is just a stone's throw away and it's windy. It feels like we're in our own little world beside the iconic rooftop pool.
My mind drifts from the shoot right back to the man behind the camera. Is it just my imagination, or is he into me too? I think he is. He keeps looking at me like he wants to eat me for dinner. I definitely want to havehimfor dinner.
Another explicit images pops into my mind, causing me to stumble. This time, he's got his hands tangled in my hair, thrusting into my mouth. His eyes are on fire, his lip caught between his teeth. Mine are stretched wide around him in silent bliss.
Good God. I'm going to hell.
"Right there," Sage says. "Don't move, baby girl."