Page 22 of Model Behavior (Le CRV Magazine Women of the Year)
"I feel the same way about you, Sage."
"Yeah," she whispers as she drifts off in my arms, perfectly content.
I smile at how sweet she is. This woman… God, this woman is going to be the greatest adventure I've ever had. And I can't fuckingwaitto see where it takes us.
Five Years Later
"Little one," I murmur, running my hand across my belly. "Your foot is digging into mommy's ribcage."
"Sowwie, mommy," Sariah says from beside me, lifting her dark head from the pillow. We're in mine and Sage's bed, watching Aladdin for the thousandth time this month. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles, completely melting my heart. With her seafoam green eyes and charcoal hair, she looks so much like Sage, it's unreal. She has his smile too.
Sage is wrapped tightly around her little finger. He has been since the moment we found out I was pregnant with her four years ago. It took us a year to finally get pregnant. We saw a fertility specialist when it didn't happen right away. I thought Sage was going to jump across the desk and down his throat when he suggested that losing weight might help.
It took weeks to convince my husband that the doctor wasn't being critical of me. Sage is so protective, and he worships my body. The thought of anyone trying to change a single thing about me makes him a little crazy. To him, I'm perfect. And that's not just something he says. He means it.
Eventually, I managed to convince him to give the doctor another shot, but somewhere between that first appointment and the second, we finally got pregnant. And my grumpy photographer fell like a ton of bricks for the little girl growing in my belly. There has never been a more devoted daddy or husband than ours. Sariah and I live a fairy-tale life. He spoils us every single day in a million different ways.
People thought Sage and I were crazy to get married so quickly after meeting, but we haven't regretted a single moment. I don't know if it was fate or destiny or divine intervention, but we were meant to find one another. We were meant to complete one another.
We've travelled the world together and turned my agency into one of the premier modeling agencies in the state of California. We've laughed and loved and learned one another inside out. My life is brighter because he's in it. Even after five years together, he still finds ways to make me fall in love with him all over again. I don't think I'll ever stop.
"Ouch," I say, grimacing as another little toe digs into my ribcage.
"I didn't do nufin, mommy!" Sariah promises, throwing her hands up in the air as if to show it wasn't her.
"I know, lovebug." I massage my side, flinching. "One of your baby brothers has his tiny little toes between my ribs."
"Oh no," Sariah whispers. Her little face scrunches up in concern and then she places her hand on my stomach beside mine. "Baby brudder, you hab to stop huwting mommy."
Sage's soft chuckle rolls over me, pulling my gaze away from our daughter. I find him standing in the doorway, snapping photos of us. He lowers the camera, his gaze raking over me. That's all it takes to make my stomach flip and my heart pick up speed. Even though I'm almost eight months pregnant, he still looks at me like he's going to die if he isn't inside me right now.
"Don't move," he says, lifting the camera to take another photo.
"What are you doing?" I ask, smiling at him. "You're supposed to be working." He has a studio in the basement where he does all of the behind-the-scenes things like developing photos and editing them. After we had Sariah, he stopped taking a lot of jobs. Traveling without us just made him grumpy. I was worried he'd come to resent us, but if anything, I think the opposite is true. He loves all the extra time he gets with us, and we travel as a family whenever we can.
Well, we did until we found out I was pregnant again. Our twin boys, Samuel and Soren, are due in six weeks, though my doctor says we should expect them at any time. They're both measuring big for their gestational age…which means I'm huge.
Sage doesn't seem to mind. If anything, seeing me pregnant makes him want me even more. He loves seeing me grow as our babies grow. He makes love to me every morning and again most nights. The things he does to me… God, that first magical night doesn't even compare to how good it is now. He knows my body, inside and out. He's a wicked, wicked man.
I thought men were supposed to lose stamina as they aged, but mine hasn't. Some nights, he takes me over and over again. Until I'm pleading for mercy because my entire body is so sensitive every touch feels like another orgasm. I love every minute of it. And I know he does too. He's so vocal in the bedroom. I never have to ask to know what he's thinking or feeling. He tells me without reservation or shame.
"I am working," he says, lifting his camera to take another picture.
"On what?"
"A maternity shoot for my gorgeous wife," he murmurs, snapping another picture when Sariah lays her head on my belly to talk to her brothers. Surprisingly, they've stopped jabbing me in the ribs with their toes. One of them is busy kicking the side of Sariah's face now, making her giggle.
"Sage," I whisper. He's always taking pictures of me. Most, he refuses to share with anyone. He says those are just for him. I never thought I'd pose nude until him. But I've posed for him more than once. He keeps those photos under lock and key. I can always tell when he's been looking at them though. He gets so worked up he can't wait to get inside me again.
"Don'tSageme, baby girl. You look too beautiful not to photograph."
"I'm in a sports bra and bike shorts. I haven't even brushed my hair!"