Page 20 of Model Behavior (Le CRV Magazine Women of the Year)
For several long moments, we stay just like that as I cry it out. I try to keep myself from hoping he's here because he loves me too, but little seeds take root and sprout anyway. He introduced himself to my brother as his future brother-in-law. I'm pretty sure that means he plans to be around for a while.
The longer he holds me, the bigger those seeds grow. Until the last few hours of turmoil seem like a bad dream. Eventually, I manage to get myself under control. I probably look like a hot mess, but there's nothing I can do about that now. Besides, he's seen more of me than anyone else ever has before…and loved every second of it. He left no doubts about that last night.
Please, baby Jesus. I'll never ask for anything again if you let me keep this man.
"I can't believe you're really here," I whisper.
"Of course I'm here. You're here." He studies me intently as he tucks strands of hair behind my ears and then dries my tears with his thumbs. Once he's done, he cups my cheeks in his palms. "You okay now, baby girl?"
"I…" I trail off before I can apologize. He thinks I do that too much, which is probably true. "What are you doing here, Sage?"
"I just told you. You're here. Where else would I be?"
"I…don't understand."
"I couldn't let you leave, lamb."
"Why not?"
He hesitates for a minute like he's searching for an answer. The instant inspiration strikes, I see it in his gaze. Triumph. Satisfaction. He tugs me closer to him, his expression dark and heated. "Because you agreed to let me take you out and show you off. I haven't gotten to do that yet, so our date isn't over."
The rough growl of his voice rolls over me like a hot wind, setting me on fire. Those seeds of hope spread throughout my entire body, obliterating every little bit of heartache and doubt. Until I feel like I'm floating six inches off the ground. His hands on my body are the only thing tethering me to this dimension.
"We definitely can't have that," I whisper, pressing up against him, not caring who sees or what they think. When he wraps his arms around me, the last few pieces of my heart stitch themselves back together.
"Definitely not," he growls against my lips.
It's a long time before he stops kissing me.
It's even longer before we talk.
Chapter Eight
"You know I can't stay here forever," Trinity whispers, lifting her head to look at me. We're tangled up in the bed, exactly where we're supposed to be. When I woke up to find her gone this morning, I damn near had a panic attack. The kid at the front desk refused to tell me anything, but when Vanna texted to tell me Trinity was flying home and would miss our meeting, I was able to put the pieces together myself.
It took me exactly five seconds to decide I was going after her. I bought a ticket for the first available flight to Los Angeles, worried she may have switched to an earlier flight, and then jumped in a taxi. I didn't pack anything. Didn't even stop to put on underwear or socks. The thought of her disappearing from my life had my heart in my throat the entire way to the airport.
Part of me wanted to spank her ass for trying to slip away. The other part was seriously fucking worried that maybe she didn't feel the same way and I misunderstood. Every time we got close to touching on the subject of her leaving last night, she practically threw herself into my arms, demanding I make love to her again, as if she couldn't bear to discuss it.
I shouldn't have let her get away with it.
I should have told her that I'm in love with her.
Seeing her crying in the airport damn near brought me to my knees. I knew right then and there that she loves me too. I still don't know why she decided to sneak out without talking to me, but she feels the same way I do, I'd stake my life on it.
"I know," I murmur, running my hand down to her ass. "I kind of thought I might go to Los Angeles with you, lamb."
"Like, to visit?"
"I was thinking longer."
Her eyes grow big enough to fall out of her head, which makes me smile.
"Your life is in Los Angeles. I'm not going to ask you to sacrifice it for me," I murmur. "I'm not going to ask you to pick up your life and move for me, baby girl. Your business is too important to you. So I'll move in with you."
"You want to move in with me?" she whispers.