Page 65 of Mistaken as His Royal Bride
Maddi took her hands. ‘But Ari doesn’t want me, and none of that matters. What matters is that you’re back in time for your coronation and there’s nothing and no one to stop you becoming Queen.’
A shadow passed across Laia’s face and Maddi was immediately concerned. ‘What is it? What are you not telling me? Did Ari’s brother Dax find you? Did something happen?’
Laia went pale and shook her head. ‘It’s okay. I’ll tell you about it later.’
As if wanting to divert Maddi from any more questions, Laia said, ‘I’ll draft a statement, saying that by mutual agreement King Aristedes and I have decided not to proceed with our marriage. I’ll send it over to him to see if he’ll accept that.’
Maddi smiled, but it felt wobbly. ‘I’m sure he will. He’s a good man, Laia. I think you’ll like him when you do have talks.’
Laia saw her emotion and touched Maddi’s cheek. ‘Oh, Mads, I’m there any hope?’
Maddi shook her head fiercely and hoped she wouldn’t start crying. ‘No, he made that clear from the start. And at the end. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know.’
But that hadn’t stopped her hoping.
Laia said, ‘Well, you’re back where you belong. And I want everyone to know who you are...if you’re ready?’
Maddi thought of Ari saying,‘Maybe it’s time to step out of the shadows...’
She smiled and took a deep breath. ‘Yes, I’m ready.’
Laia gave a whoop, and hugged Maddi again, and Maddi tried her best to focus on the present and the new future that would unfold for her. A new future in which she would try and forget the man who had awoken her to a dazzling new version of herself only to crush it to pieces.
She hated Aristedes.
She hated him as much as she loved him.
Two weeks later
ARISWITCHEDOFFthe TV. He’d watched Maddi being crowned Princess of Isla’Rosa on a loop since Laia’s coronation over a week ago.
He’d agreed to the statement put out by Princess Laia about the demise of their engagement, and she’d had the grace to phone him and apologise for all the theatrics. They’d arranged a future date to talk about how to proceed with building peace between their countries.
He’d had to bite his lip to stop himself asking about Maddi.
He wanted nothing to do with her. He never wanted to see her again.
Except every night in his dreams, when he couldn’t stop her from intruding. They veered from being X-rated, when he would wake with a raging, burning desire that only a cold shower could cure, to dreams where she was running away from him, laughing, disappearing down corridors or into rooms that were empty when he burst inside.
He was losing it. He was so grumpy that Dax had left to go back to New York, where he was mainly based. Come to think of it, Dax hadn’t exactly been in good form either.
Ari had found him watching a rerun of the coronation of Queen Laia with an intensity that had made Ari ask, ‘Is there anything else you’d like to share about what happened on that island with Laia, Dax?’
For the first time since they were kids Ari had thought Dax might actually hit him. His brother had snarled at him to mind his own business and stormed out of the room.
It was late. Ari had meetings in the morning. He should sleep. But he knew he’d only have those dreams again.
Damn her.
He sat down at his desk. There was a light knock at the door. Probably Santo, wondering if he needed anything.
Ari called out without looking up. ‘Come in.’
The door opened and then shut again quickly. Santo didn’t speak. Ari looked up, and at first he wasn’t sure who he was looking at. Someone all in black, wearing a baseball cap.
Then whoever it was tipped up their face. A rush of blood to Ari’s head was his first reaction. And then a wave of heat to every cell in his body.