Page 4 of Mistaken as His Royal Bride
‘Then I will make sure King Aristedes is distracted until it’s too late.’
Maddi smiled even as her insides knotted with apprehension. ‘What was apparent the first time we met? How much we look alike. We could pass for twins.’
Maddi had heard the castle staff whispering about the likeness between her and Laia, but no one had had the nerve to speak of it directly.
Understanding dawned in Laia’s eyes, but she shook her head. ‘No, Mads. I can’t let you do something like this. It’s too crazy...’
But Maddi was firm. ‘You’ve borne the weight of massive responsibility all your life. Let me do something for you and our country.’ Before she lost her nerve she gestured to their bodyguard, who came over. She said, quickly and quietly, ‘You need to take Princess Laia away from here. There’s a serious security threat.’
He needed no more instruction. He bundled Laia in front of him and they were soon lost in the crowd.
Maddi couldn’t believe what she’d just done, but she didn’t regret it. She and Laiacouldalmost pass for twins. Apart from their eyes. Laia’s were green and Maddi’s were hazel.
They both had long, wavy dark brown hair. Olive-toned skin. Wide, almond-shaped eyes. Straight noses. The same mouths. Except Maddi’s had a more rosebud shape. And she had a small gap in her front teeth.
They were of similar height, and the only other real difference was one that Maddi lamented, she was curvier than Laia, whose figure ran to being more athletic.
Maddi took a deep breath and turned around. King Aristedes was even closer now, his head swivelling back and forth, tracking everyone in the crowd. She drew her shoulders up straight and looked at him.
As if sensing her gaze, King Aristedes stopped and his head turned towards her. He went very still. Like an animal scenting its prey. The tumult of the crowd around them died away.
He lifted his sunglasses from his face. Maddi’s heart thumped. His eyes were deep-set and unfathomably dark. Impossible to read. His jaw was clenched. He moved towards her.
King Aristedes stopped in front of her and she had to tip her head back to look up. He looked at her for a long moment and said nothing, his dark gaze roving over her face and body.
Maddi’s skin prickled all over and her insides turned to liquid. Maybe she’d overestimated just how similar she was to her sister. But then King Aristedes spoke. His voice was deep and it resonated all the way inside her.
‘The elusive Princess Laia. I think it’s time for you to come home and fulfil your obligations, don’t you?’
MADDIWATCHEDASthe festival below them in the desert became a smaller and smaller dot. Laia was down there somewhere, watching this plane leave. Maddi sent her a wish that she would escape somewhere until it was safe for her to emerge and become Queen.
She was aware of King Aristedes on the other side of the aisle. She could feel his gaze on her but she was avoiding looking at him. It was like looking at the sun. Too dangerous.
She felt very self-conscious in her costume, which, out of context looked cheap and tacky and bared far too much flesh.
‘What on earth was that spectacle?’
Maddi bristled at his scathing tone. Reluctantly she looked at him. ‘It’s a famous festival. It brings art and music and people together in an extravaganza of creativity and innovation. There’s nothing else like it in the world.’
‘It looked ridiculous.’
Maddi turned her body to face him and opened her mouth, but then she saw his gaze drop to her chest for a split second. A zing of electricity skated over her skin and it shocked her so much that she forgot what she was going to say.
He raised a brow. ‘I think you can remove your...glasses now.’
Maddi frowned, and then realised he was referring to the goggles on her head. She pulled them off, wincing a little as they caught on her hair.
The air inside the private jet suddenly felt cold, and it wasn’t just the chilly atmosphere caused by King Aristedes. Air-conditioning. She shivered and he noticed.
He frowned. ‘You’re wearing next to nothing. Do you have other clothes with you?’
He and his security team had allowed her to go to their tent and collect her bag and other things. So she did have a change of clothes with her. She wasn’t sure it was going to be much of an improvement, though. But she jumped at the chance to get out of his disturbing presence even for a few minutes and collect her thoughts.
‘Yes, I do. I’ll go and change.’