Page 17 of Taming Seraphine
She nods.
My stomach churns. “Why?”
“They need to know I’m not afraid.”
“The voices in your head?” I whisper, my pulse quickening.
What the fuck did I bring to my home? Why the hell did I think the situation with Seraphine would be anything like with Miko? When I met the boy, he was bruised but fully clothed and unshackled.
Sure, there was a gleam in his eye when I strangled his stepfather, but that was satisfaction wrought from years of being powerless against a bully. I brought him into my spare room, but the worst thing he did was leave trash on the floor.
Did I bring home a serial killer or did she go too far with her self-defense?
As Seraphine continues to slice Billy Blue’s penis into wafer-thin pieces, my patience cracks. I can handle a room full of dead poker players, or even a castrated creep, but I can’t stand by and watch a girl make a sandwich out of a cock.
“Stop that.” I snatch the knife out of her hands and toss it across the counter.
Without skipping a beat, she reaches for the sliced meat.
I yank the chopping board off the counter and throw it and the severed penis across the room.
Seraphine whirls around, her nostrils flaring.
“You will not eat that sandwich,” I snarl.
“There’s nothing worthwhile in the fridge,” she spits back.
I clench my fists. “There’s wings and pizza left over. Oh wait, you drenched that in blood.”
Her lips tighten into a thin, and she glares up at me like a feral kitten, looking ready to make me her new target. I bare my teeth, daring her to pounce.
We stand so close that I can feel the rapid thrum of her heart. She wants to fight, I can tell, and I’m ready for her next move. Before I can think of what to say next, her shoulders sag.
“I’m sorry for ruining your leftovers,” she says, sounding genuinely contrite.
My face drops.
“Anythingelseyou’d like to apologize for?” I ask, my arm sweeping toward the trail of blood leading out toward the murdered men.
“If this is about the mess, I can clean it up,” she says.
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Really.”
It’s not even a question. There’s no way a five-foot nothing girl with a face like an angel can move eight male bodies out of the building and dispose of them without breaking her back or getting caught.
She gives me a sharp nod, her features hard with determination. “Really.”
Deluded as well as dangerous.
I should put a bullet through her pretty head before she causes any more mayhem, but I won’t.
“Alright then, Little Miss Murderer, get to work.”
With my eyes still fixed on Seraphine’s, I step backward to where I left my phone by the sink. I’ll be damned if I leave the cleaning up to this pretty little psycho.
It’s time to call my own men and teach her a lesson about not biting off more than she can chew.