Page 99 of Melody
She chews on her bottom lip.
I don’t want to hurt her. I have nothing against Brianna. She’s a beautiful young woman, and she didn’t deserve to have her virginity taken from her the way it was. I regret my hand—or other body part—in it.
She sets one hand on her hip. “Jesse, itdidhappen. If you want to never talk about it again, I can’t stop you. But it did happen, and I don’t regret it.”
“I do.” I walk past her, head toward the door.
But she grabs my arm and yanks me back. “I don’t accept that. If you don’t want it to ever happen again, there’s nothing I can do about that. But I can’t believe that you regret such a beautiful moment. I gave you something that I—”
“That I never asked for, Bree.” I sigh. “How am I supposed to live with that? Live with the guilt?”
“There’s no reason for you to feel guilty, Jesse.” She reaches for my hand and squeezes it. “I wanted it to happen. I don’t feel any regret at all.”
My cock aches at just her slight touch. I pull my hand away. “That makes one of us, then. I need to get back inside. My sisters will be worried.” I turn toward the house.
“At least tell me one thing.”
I stop, but I don’t turn to face her. “What?”
“Did you at least…enjoy it?”
Regrets. Wishes. Lies.
I wasn’t lying when I told her I regretted it, but can I lie now? Can I tell her that I didn’t enjoy it at all?
Because that would be a big fat lie—as big as I’ve ever told.
“Are you going to answer me?”
I pause. Mull it over. What is the best way to respond? Finally, “Brianna, whether I enjoyed it really isn’t the issue.”
“It’s an issue for me. I enjoyed it. I loved every minute of it. I’m glad it was you. I wanted it to be you.”
I turn this time to face her. “You manipulated me.”
“I didn’t, though. I simply told you what I wanted.”
“Yes, you did. But you didn’t tell me you were a virgin.”
“Why does that matter?”
“We’ve been through this. You know exactly why it mattered, Brianna. You knew that if you told me, I wouldn’t take you to bed.”
“But I wasn’t—”
“That’s a lie. You manipulated me. We both know it, so stop saying you didn’t.”
She bites on her lip again, and all I can think about is biting on it for her. Chewing on that luscious lower lip of hers, shoving my tongue into her mouth and kissing her, taking her again, this time aggressively, right on this manicured green lawn that belongs to an old friend of her family’s.
“All right,” she finally relents. “If that’s your definition of manipulation—”
“That’severyone’sdefinition of manipulation, Brianna.”
She lets out a breath. “I suppose Ididmanipulate you. But you know what? You weren’t entitled to know my sexual history.”
“What sexual history?” I demand.
“Stop that. You know very well what I mean. If you’d asked me straight out—”