Page 56 of Melody
“This is so exciting!”
A few moments later, we’re airborne, and about twenty minutes after that, one of the flight attendants announces that the seat belt signs have been turned off.
I’m scanning the menu when a flight attendant interrupts. “Can I get you anything to drink, ma’am?”
“Yes, I’ll have Buffalo Trace neat.”
“And for you, ma’am?” To Maddie.
“The winged sunset, please.”
Seeing Maddie so happy makes my heart sing. For a moment, I almost forget that her brother broke my heart.
Serves him right to be back there in economy with no legroom.
And with his long legs, that’s got to be torture.
Hey, Brock offered. Pride goeth before the fall, Jesse.
A few moments later, the flight attendant returns with our drinks.
I take a sip. Buffalo Trace is good stuff. Not Peach Street, for sure, but it has a subtle sweetness with notes of caramel and honey with a rich apple undertone. And I do love apples.
Maddie tentatively takes a sip of hers.
“What do you think?” I ask.
“It’s so good!” She lifts her glass. “Do you want to try it?”
“No thanks. You enjoy.”
“How’s yours?” she asks.
“It’s no Peach Street, but it does hit the spot.”
“I don’t know anything about bourbon,” Maddie says. “The only one I know is Jack Daniels.”
I take another sip. “Technically Jack Daniels isn’t bourbon. It’s Tennessee mash whiskey. But technically, Peach Street isn’t bourbon either, even though its label says otherwise. Real bourbon comes from Kentucky.”
Maddie takes another sip of her cocktail. “You Steels know a lot about alcohol.”
I shrug. “Not really. I know a little bit from my dad. The ones who really know about alcohol are Uncle Ryan and Dale, but that’s mostly limited to wine.”
Maddie nods. “You think Dale would’ve enjoyed this trip?”
“Are you kidding me?” I can’t help a laugh. “Dale would hate it. Being cooped up on a plane for eight hours? Then being in a foreign country that he doesn’t know? Dale is an outdoor homebody if there ever was one. Ashley, on the other hand, would probably love it. I’m sure she’ll drag Dale to Europe at some point.”
“At least you have Donny. It’s so amazing that all my siblings are here. We’re going to have the experience of a lifetime together, something Mom and Dad could never give us. Mom and Dad weren’t thrilled about me missing my last semester, but they realized this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all of us.”
Crap. Here comes the guilt.
The only reason I initially invited Maddie on this trip was to get Jesse to agree to let us come. I knew he wouldn’t be able to say no to his sister.
Jesse and I aren’t going to happen. He’s made that abundantly clear.