Page 35 of Melody
I have a perfectly lined-up shot to land two balls into one of the corner pockets. I breathe in, out, line up my shot, and shoot.
“Yes!” I make the shot.
“Was this my idea?” Maddie asks. “I forgot how good you are.”
“I can give you some pointers,” I say.
“I get all the pointers I need from Jesse.”
Jesse’s eyebrows rise at the sound of his name.
“You need something, sis?” he asks.
“Nope.” Maddie scans the remaining balls on the felt. “I’m just gearing up to get my ass kicked by Bree here.”
“You want to bring in a ringer?” Jesse asks.
“A pinch hitter?” Maddie shakes her head, chuckling. “Hell no.”
“Tell you what, Jesse,” I say. “If you’re that into this game, you can play the winner.”
Maddie laughs. “We already know who that’s going to be.”
I seriouslydidwant this night to be about Maddie and me, but now I’m determined. I line up my next shot, sink my ball into the side pocket.
Again. Again. Until I’m down to one ball…and I miss.
“Ha! You mean I get a turn?” Maddie says.
“Looks that way,” I say dryly.
Maddie makes her shot and then…to my ultimate surprise…every shot after that, until she downs all her balls, and then the eight ball.
I stand, hands on my hips, my mouth dropped open. “Wow.”
“Right?” Maddie shrugs. “I didn’t know I had it in me. I guess I get to play my big brother now.”
Jesse walks over. “Since Cage and Dragon are still fighting it out, sure, sis, I’ll play you.”
“And you’ll kick my ass,” Maddie says. “But since that’s what I was expecting from Bree, it won’t be so bad coming from a family member.”
Watching Jesse Pike play pool is a turn-on.
He iswayoff his game tonight. Even his form is suffering.
I’m not sure what’s going on with him.
He ends up beating Maddie, but only because she missed an easy shot.
“I guess you’re mine now,” I say to him.
He looks me over in a way I’ve never seen a guy look at me before.
My nipples harden.
“You’re up, Jess,” Cage says from the next pool table over.