Page 6 of Breathing
I sighed. “Yeah. Unfortunately. Couldn’t live on the road forever.”
Alejandro made a humming sound in the back of his throat. “Those demons will suffocate you no matter where you go, Whiler,” he told me quietly.
I stayed silent, not wanting to talk about it. Surprising me, Alejandro reached out and squeezed my shoulder before turning on his heel and heading into the clubhouse. I stared after him for a moment before I shook my head just slightly and grabbed the water hose, spraying the bike down, my jaw clenched so tightly, my teeth hurt.
I hated that Alejandro was right. Helena was one of my demons, no matter how much of angel she was. And she had followed me. To every state. Every hotel. Every strip club and bar. Every fucking highway.
It was clear she wasn’t going anywhere.
He doesn’t have to be right, Whiler. Just let me go,Helena whispered from beside me.
“I’m not trying to hold on to you,” I muttered, giving her the side-eye. We both knew my words were a lie. Because as much as I wanted her to go away, I also didn’t want her to leave.
Her leaving would feel like I was losing her all over again. I wasn’t sure if I’d survive it.
A sad smile tilted her lips that broke my fucking heart all over again.Yes, you are. You’ve been clinging to me since the moment I died.
I swallowed thickly, my hand tightening so much around the sprayer that I broke the handle. Cursing, I quickly kinked the hose before twisting off the broken nozzle. I pressed my thumb to the water, creating a spray, and finished rinsing the bike.
Just let me go, Whiler, Helena pleaded.
Tears burned in my eyes. “I can’t,” I croaked.
“Talking to yourself again?” Cannon suddenly asked from behind me.
My thumb slipped off the end of the hose as I turned to face her. She had a single, perfect brow arched at me, her arms crossed over her ample chest, pushing her breasts up and together. A shiver crawled down my spine when she ran her eyes over me. I was wearing loose jeans, my now ruined boots, and a plain white t-shirt. But the way she looked at me made me feel naked.
Splayed open.
“What do you want?” I grunted, the water slowly making the puddle around my feet even larger.
She slid her arms down, letting them hang by her sides. I swallowed thickly. She was opening herself up, too. Taking herself off the defense so I didn’t feel so on edge.
What the fuck was it with this woman?
“Elaina would like to cut the cake,” Cannon told me softly. “I told her I’d come let you know.”
I rolled my shoulders, trying to relieve some of the tension, but every moment in Cannon’s presence only wound me up tighter. “Did you really want to come tell me that, or were you hoping I’d let you get on your knees in front of me again?” I asked because I just couldn’t seem to help myself when it came to her. She brought out all of the bad sides of me. I wanted her to feel as open and wrecked as I did.
For some reason, she didn’t take offense to my rude as fuck question. I could see it in her eyes that she knew I was lashing out. That I was hurting. And there was something else lingering in her gaze that told me she understood.
I wanted her far, far away from me. Everything in me was currently rebelling at the mere idea of her. She could see too fucking much too damn easily.
“I wanted to come tell you, but if you want me on my knees out here, I can do that for you, too, Whiler.”
Jesus fuckin’ Christ.
“You’re a dangerous woman, Cannon,” I rumbled, hating the way my dick was hard in my jeans despite the urge in my body telling me to run as far away from her as I could. My legs ached with the need.
A smirk curved her lips. “I think you’re just afraid of me, nomad.”
I licked my lips. She was spot-on with that assumption, but I’d never let her know that.Couldn’tlet her know that. How she didn’t think I was crazy blew my mind. She’d already caught me talking to Helena twice within one day, but she wouldn’t know I was talking to my dead little sister. It only looked like I was talking to myself.
And yet, she was still standing in front of me. Teasing me. Coaxing me out of my shell.
Danger. Danger. Danger.