Page 19 of Breathing
“You sure you’re ready for this?” I asked him.
He arched a brow at me before reaching up to twist his ball cap around so it rested backward on his head. My ovaries burst. I was about ninety-nine percent sure of it. There was something about a man wearing his hat backward that got me all hot and bothered.
Whiler leaned in, his lips just barely brushing mine. My breasts brushed the leather of his chest, and my nipples pebbled. A whimper slid from my throat before I could stop it. A tiny smirk twitched at his lips.
“You think a man like me would’ve put this ring on your finger if I wasn’t sure, baby?” he rumbled. He kissed me then, his tongue licking at the seam of my lips. Once I parted for him, he wrapped his arms around me and crushed me to him, devouring my mouth. He kissed me like he was trying to inhale me. Like my life essence was what he needed to be able to breathe. To live.
“You ready to tell everyone?” he asked once he pulled back from me. My chest was heaving from the lack of air, and I was light-headed from how drugging his kisses were. I could die with his lips on mine, and I would die a happy woman.
“Yeah,” I managed, a bright smile on my lips. He met it with a matching grin of his own. I linked our fingers together, loving how my ring slightly bit into my finger when Whiler’s thicker fingers slid between mine. “Let’s go tell everyone, along with all those women you fucked,” he didn’t even have the decency to look sheepish, not that I expected him to, “that you’re a taken man.”
He snickered. “Someone sounds jealous.”
I flipped my red hair over my shoulder. “Of course, I’m fucking jealous,” I snipped. “I won’t deny it. But I also knew you were self-destructing and trying to force me away from you.” I turned, walking backward in front of him so we faced each other, our fingers still linked and outstretched between us. “News flash, baby. I’m not an easy woman to deter.”
He barked out a laugh. “Trust me, Cannon, I fuckin’ figured that one out.”
I turned and pushed open the clubhouse doors, walking inside. Everyone was lounging around, having a chill day. Even Alejandro was sitting with Elaina and Joey, Antonio sitting beside Alejandro eating a sandwich. And Elaina and Joey’s kid, Dahlia, was sitting in Alejandro’s arms, napping with her lips parted. That child could fall asleep anywhere as long as she was in one of her daddy’s arms.
“We’ve got an announcement to make,” Whiler loudly said, drawing everyone’s attention back to us just as they started to look away. Dahlia didn’t even stir.
“You’re pregnant,” Joey blurted. Elaina smacked him. I scowled, placing my hand on my belly subconsciously. Did I really look that fat?
“What?” I demanded, my face a little pale.
“What the fuck, brother?” Whiler snapped, anger simmering in his gaze. He pulled me into him, holding me tightly. “You’re perfect, baby,” he murmured, pressing kisses all over my face. “I love you just as you are, you hear me?”
“Fuck—I didn’t mean—Jesus Christ,” Joey growled. “Shit, Cannon, I only thought it was a pregnancy announcement—that’s all. I wasn’t implying you’re fat.” He looked at Elaina. “Don’t kill me for this,” he pleaded before he looked back at me. I was trying to hold back my laughter now. The man was floundering. “You’re gorgeous just as you are.”
“Joey…” Whiler growled.
Joey threw his arms up in the air before miming zipping his lips closed and throwing away the key. Alejandro was silently laughing at his expense, and Elaina was scowling at him.
A snort ripped from me before I could stop it, and then Elaina started giggling before pressing a kiss to Joey’s cheek. Vern was basically wheezing, and Ink was smirking at the expense of his best friend.
Jessie just rolled her eyes at her twin.
I held up mine and Whiler’s linked hands, making sure to flash my diamond ring. I hadn’t wanted anything flashy, but Whiler had insisted, claiming he wanted every man to look at me and immediately know I was taken.
“We’re getting married.” A light blush stole over my cheeks. “Whiler claimed me as his old lady.”
Cheers erupted around the room. Jessie and Elaina swarmed me with hugs, while the guys congratulated Whiler on settling down.
My old man met my gaze over Joey’s shoulder, and he winked at me.
My belly erupted in butterflies.
* * *
Jessie walked over to me,the keys to her SUV dangling from her fingers. “You fancy a grocery shopping trip?” she asked me. “Normally, Ink would go with me, but Isabelle is being a royal pain in the ass today, and I can’t handle another temper tantrum right now.”
I stood to my feet, eager to get out and do something. “Yeah, of course. Just let me let Whiler know where I’ll be. I’ll meet you at your car.”
She nodded and walked out of the door. I quickly made my way to the gym, where Whiler was sparring with Alejandro in the ring. Both men stopped when I walked in, and Whiler walked over, leaning on the ropes. “Hey, baby,” he rumbled.
I leaned up on my tiptoes to press my lips to his. “Hey, yourself. Jessie asked me to go grocery shopping with her. That cool?”
He nodded. “That’s fine. Just be safe. And keep your location on.”