Page 14 of Breathing
Whiler’s eyes were stormy as they met mine, rage simmering in their depths. Tears filled my eyes. “Whiler—” I croaked.
He clasped my face in his hands and pressed a hard kiss to my lips. “Everything will be okay, baby,” he promised me. “Stay at the clubhouse, understand?”
My lips trembled, and a tear ran down my cheek. A sob ripped from my chest when he turned his head to gently kiss the teardrop away. Then, he released me and stepped out from behind the bar with his hands raised just as Joey reluctantly let the officers inside, his muscles tensed with rage. His eyes held a hurricane ready to unleash, but Alejandro was next to him now, keeping him in check.
“On the ground!” one of the officers barked at Whiler. “Legs spread, hands behind your head.”
Vern wrapped his arm around my shoulder and turned me into him, his other hand coming up to clasp the back of my head so I couldn’t see Whiler get taken away. I sobbed, knowing this was my fault. Knowing somehow, this tied back to my husband. Because Whiler hadn’t done anything. I may not have been privy to club business, but I at least knew that much.
“You’re under arrest for terroristic threats. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights I have just read to you?” Whiler grunted, and I heard them pulling him from the floor. My sob was muffled in Vern’s chest. “With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”
Whiler just laughed, and a moment later, I heard him get thrown into a table. He just laughed again, but it sounded threatening and cruel, sending chills racing down my spine. I’d never heardanyonesound like that, and it both frightened me and excited me to hear that laugh spill from Whiler’s lips.
“Fuck you, pig,” he sneered. I heard him groan a moment after something smacked him, and I flinched. Vern just held me tighter and didn’t release me until the clubhouse doors were shut. I clutched the counter once he let me go, my knees feeling weak. Tears continuously tracked down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” I cried. This was all my fault.
Vern rubbed my back. “Nothing to be sorry for. We’re easily targeted.”
“But it was because of me. Had he not felt the need to defend me against my husband—” I shook my head. “Maybe I should just go,” I whispered, my voice scratchy.
“No,” Joey snapped. I jerked my head up to look at him in surprise. Joey had never spoken to me that way. “If you leave, what Whiler is going through will fucking be for nothing.” I sniffled, swiping my arm under my nose. A hiccup tore from my chest. “We’ll get him out, Cannon,” Joey swore. “For now, you do everything you can to remain safe, understand? This clubhouse is under lockdown until further notice. No one comes in and no one goes without permission.” He looked at the men in the room. “Church. Fucking yesterday,” he barked before storming into the chapel.
Elaina walked over to me and grabbed my hand in hers before leading me to a table, sitting down with me. Jessie put a glass of dark liquor in front of me. “Drink it,” she ordered. “It’ll help. I promise.”
I grabbed the glass in my shaky hand and downed the liquor, wincing at the burn in my throat before slamming the glass back down. But despite the burning sensation it left behind, it did help, and my hands finally stopped shaking so badly. Jessie quickly poured me another, nodding at me to throw it back as well.
“They’re going to get him out,” Elaina tried assuring me. My eyes tracked a groove in the table where it looked like someone had dragged their knife across. “Most government officials won’t stand up to Alejandro.”
I sighed, my shoulders slumping. “No offense, Elaina,” I said quietly, staring down at the wood-grain pattern of the table we were sitting at, “but I’ll believe that when Whiler is back home again.”
She just patted my hand, not taking offense at all. Instead, she waved Jessie over to pour me another shot. “Until he’s out, girlfriend, drink up, yeah?”
I grabbed the glass when Jessie finished pouring and downed it, allowing her to pour another. Maybe the alcohol would numb the pain of my husband not just taking my pride, my dignity, and my life away from me, but also the best man I’d ever come to know.
* * *
When I wokeup the next morning, Whiler still wasn’t home. I slept in his bed, even though his spot was cold and empty. And I spent the night crying into his pillowcase until my eyes were too puffy and sore to keep them open any longer.
I poured myself a cup of coffee and sipped at the scalding black liquid, grimacing at the taste. But after all the alcohol I’d consumed and then all the crying I did last night, I really wasn’t in the mood for anything sweet. I wanted my coffee as bitter as I felt.
The clubhouse was quiet, everyone either still sleeping or banding together to work on getting Whiler out of holding before he went to prison to await his court date. And prison wouldn’t be good. I wasn’t dumb; I knew this club had enemies. And I wasn’t sure how far Joey and Alejandro’s reach went when it came to protection.
Anyone could be bought at a high enough price. And if someone had a vendetta against Whiler…
My soul went cold at the thought.
The clubhouse doors suddenly opened, and Whiler strode inside. I choked on the sip of coffee I’d just taken, spewing it all over the counter, almost dropping my coffee mug before I could manage to set it down. His expression was murderous, his hair all over the place, and bags resided under his eyes from lack of sleep.
His eyes zeroed in on me, and he changed his direction from the stairs, heading straight for where I was standing, his jaw clenched. My heart raced in my chest, and I backed up from him, fear clouding my senses. Was he blaming me? I wouldn’t blame him, but fuck, I would not be able to handle it if he hated me.
“Are you angry at me?” I choked out, tears brimming my eyes.
My back hit the wall behind me at the same time his hands smacked the sheetrock on either side of my head, making me flinch. He bent his head down and captured my lips in his, and I moaned, my fear falling away under the power of his dominating mouth. A deep groan rumbled up from his chest, and he dropped his hands to wrap his arms around me, tugging me against his firm, muscular body.
My pussy clenched when his tongue probed between my lips, and I whimpered, my hands coming up to tangle in his messy hair. My back slammed against the wall again, and the way he fucked his tongue into my mouth was downright pornographic.
I was panting when his mouth pulled from mine, my cheeks red. No doubt, my eyes were bright and lively. I knew his certainly were, and they’d softened from the rage that had been in them when he walked through the door.