Page 16 of Santa Daddy
“Gentleman, my ass.” She snakes her arms around my waist and pulls me close.
I growl into her neck, desperate to get us somewhere a hell of a lot more private. I guide her around the house until we’re out of earshot of anyone else. “I’m kidding. I couldn’t keep my hands off you if my life depended on it.”
“I guess we need to start planning,” she hums against my lips.
“Two weeks after your graduation. I want you to get that degree before we tie the knot. I want all your dreams to come true, and I know how important your education is to you.”
“And then you’re gonna bring me back to this big-ass house and have your way with me for the rest of our lives?”
I nod. “Glad you’re seeing things my way.”
She laughs, smacking me in the chest.
I catch her wrist, attaching my lips to the delicate skin and sucking. “Every day with you makes up for every one I spent without you.” I pepper more kisses along her knuckles. “I can’t wait to fill this house with laughter, love, and babies, Lexi. I can’t wait to have it all with you.”
“Caleb…” She wipes at emotional tears, that big diamond lighting up her finger like she lights up my life.
“No more words, baby girl. You already said yes.” I press our foreheads together. “Now I can’t wait to get every fucker I begged to witness this out of here so I can get under this dress and show you how much you mean to me.”
“Sounds promising,” she whispers.
“So help me, it’s taking everything in me not to carry you to the courthouse right now and make us official.”
“We’re as official as it gets, Caleb. I’m still sore from this morning.” She beams, recalling our kinky morning activities. “I’m not sure where the gentleman was this morning in the shower, but—”
I swat her ass cheeks. “Sassy, wicked little brat.”
She moans softly, her need coming off her in waves.
“I think you need a little reminder of Daddy’s limits.”
Her big eyes hold mine, wide and innocent. “You don’t know what it does to me when you tease me about punishments.”
“One more present this Christmas, baby.”
“Give it to me, Santa Daddy,” she teases.
“How about we get a little jumpstart on the house tour, and I’ll show you the main bedroom now? This pussy is begging for me again.”
“Always, Daddy.”
I lick my lips, ready to eat her from top to bottom. “Little girl…”
First Epliogue
“I can’t believeyou’re getting married,” my mother says while arranging my veil. Her hands shake like her voice, and I can see her holding back her tears. She moves me to look at myself in the mirror, and tears trail down her cheeks.
“Mom, I’m getting married, not dying,” I say as we move to the sofa. I take her hands in mine, hoping it will comfort her.
“I know, and I’m happy for you, pumpkin. I really am. I see the way Caleb looks at you. I know he loves you, but…” my mother’s words trail off, and she looks away.
“But what?” I demand.
“You’re just so grown-up. I thought I’d have a few years left before I gave you away,” she says softly.
“Mom.” I put my arms around her, bringing her in for a hug. “I’ll always be your little girl, and you’ll always be one of the most important people in my life. I’m not going anywhere. We live a fifteen-minute drive from your house. There will be Sunday dinners and holidays. I’m not going anywhere.”