Page 7 of Snow Me A Favor
Leon and I have had so much fun texting the past few weeks. I feel like I know him better than anyone else in my life because of it. But then Lydia showed up at my house for the dress fitting and I found myself doing the breathing exercises once again.
My nerves have made me feel like a tangled mess of string, one yank away from falling completely apart. The car ride in a snowstorm did not help. Seeing another woman kissing him before we could officially meet didn’t help either.
And now that his hands are on me, and I have his full attention, I find myself needing constant reminders to breathe.
Leon is…overwhelming.
He’s nearly six and a half feet tall of muscular perfection. With his sandy blonde hair, and startling blue eyes, with the dimple in one cheek when he smiles, I find myself losing my breath a lot. And it’s only been minutes. How am I supposed to handle an entire evening of this?
“How was the drive in?” He asks while leading us into the ballroom filled with fancy people. High rollers as my dad calls them. “Was it too much?” The concern in his tone melts some of my anxieties away.
“Kind of scary. The farthest I drive in this kind of weather is to the school and home.” I smile up at him trying to ease the tension I feel in his arm as I hold it. Lord he looks good in this charcoal suit with the crips white shirt and matching bow tie. The thing probably costs more than I make in a whole year.
“You shouldn’t be driving in this weather at all.” He stops us to cup his hands onto my shoulders and rub his thumbs up and down the curve leading to my chest. I shiver and he pulls me closer. “Are you cold?” His voice has dropped an octave, his eye lids have grown heavy and his pupils are getting darker by the second.
Is this lust? I’ve felt it but never had it directed at me before.Oh boy.
“No,” I whisper, not wanting to break this spell we’re under.
His tongue peeks out to lick across his lips as his eyes wander down the front of my dress. “That’s too bad.”
I can’t help asking, “Why?”Is that breathy voice mine?
“Because I’d love to have taken you away from here instead.” I can feel the blush staining my entire body. I must look like a fire engine at this point.
Lifting my hands, I brush them up his jacket and over his chest before they wrap around his neck. Pushing up on my toes, I’m still not tall enough to reach his lips unless he bends down further. “Perhaps we stay a while, dance, eat, mingle.” Being alone with Leon terrifies me in the most thrilling way. This man is one who knows what to do with a woman’s body and as much as I want to be on the receiving end of that passion, I need a minute first.
“Tell me I can kiss you.” I’m nodding my head before he’s finished.
He leans down, brushes his hands down my back and pulls me flush to his body. I melt into him, shuddering when I feel his swollen cock between us. Brushing my thighs together to curb the throbbing I feel doesn’t help my own desire. I want this man with a ferociousness I’ve never felt before.
His tongue sweeps into my mouth and as I whimper, my knees buckle. Leon pulls me closer, holds me tighter. His hands ravage across my body, trying to feel me everywhere at once. Moaning into his mouth, he swallows it down and takes our kiss deeper. Tilting my head to the side it feels like he inhales me.
“Leon, darling, is this really appropriate?” A woman’s voice filters through my conscious from behind, but he ignores her as I try to pull away.
I can’t help the whimper when he finally draws away any more than he could stop the growl over being interrupted. I’m clutching his jacket as he brings one hand up to wipe at my mouth, probably to fix my lipstick before giving the woman his attention.
“Hello, mother.” I could die.
“Oh god,” I hiss between my teeth, my entire body frigid now. Leon’s eyes are laughing as he looks down at me.
“Well, who is this?” She snaps and I slowly turn around.
If I could describe this woman in any way it would be that she looks like the mom from Home Alone. Perfectly put together. Not a pretty blonde hair out of place and that disapproving look is on point.
“Hello, I’m Star.” I reach out a hand to shake, but she glares so I slowly let it drop.
“Star is going to be my wife, Mother, so play nice.” I freeze at his words, my ears ringing as they argue back and forth quietly until another man makes an appearance. Since he puts his hand on the woman’s back, I assume this is Leon’s father.
“This is her, is it?” The man’s eyes wander up and down my body, forcing me to take a step back. Leon senses my unease and wraps me in his arms.
His mother cackles, like Cruella, before slapping her husband’s arm lightly, “Richard, you’re making her uncomfortable.” There’s no censure in her tone, no reprimanding, more like encouragement? I’ll definitely be avoiding these two tonight.
“Let’s go find a drink.” Leon says, guiding me away from his parents, keeping his body between them and us. “I’m sorry about them.” His jaw is locked with his frustration. “Father has a wandering eye, it’s what led to my sister Asta being born, and my mother isn’t drunk enough to be nice to you yet.”
“That sounds terrible.” Turning in his arms, I try to ease his tension by rubbing my hands across his insanely hard chest. “Are you going to tell me what you do for a living now?” He’d mentioned he was in sports, but nothing else.
Before he can answer, we’re interrupted again but by a couple of rowdy men around Leon’s age. “Leon freaking Broussard!” One yells. “We had no idea you’d be here. You played a wicked game the other night. Scoring that hatty and shutting Anaheim out was wicked!”