Page 24 of The Sweetest Agony
The smirk that had been on Liliya’s face, however, is the only thing to keep me calm. She knows I’m coming, and I’ll bring hellfire and damnation with me.
“What do you want to do?” Petro asks from my side.
“Eliminate the entire house.” My voice sounds vacant, even to my own ears. Without Liliya at my side, nothing else matters. Everyone in the Vovk house will die tonight.
“What about the staff?” Vasyl asks. I turn my glare on him.
“Everyone.” They must have been witness to the treatment Liliya received while under that roof; they are not innocent in my eyes. They’re as culpable as Pavlo Vovk himself. I repeat it when he raises a brow in question.
“Dez–” Vasyl starts, but I shake my head so fiercely he stops.
“When she was ten, Pavlo made her strip in a room full of people. Strange men, housekeepers, his own men. All so they could see she was flawless. A perfect little doll they called her, uncaring that she was traumatized from their touch and examinations.” I was so fucking furious when she told me that story, enraged further when she begged me not to end the man because she couldn’t stand the thought of losing me. “Not a single person tried to step in to help a little girl from being assaulted. They. All. Die.” I will not change my mind on that.
“Okay, kid, okay. I hear you,” he finally relents.
“You got a plan?” Petro wonders, and I nod.
“I’m going right to their front door.” The brothers look at each other, no doubt questioning my sanity.
“They’ll kill you on sight,” Petro scoffs.
Frowning, I realize it’s a possibility, but I don’t think they’ll expect it, either. “What do you propose?” I glance between them.
“You’re not going to like it,” Vasyl begins. “We need to set up a meeting with Pavlo.”
“He won’t bring her.” Of that, I’m confident, and I refuse to allow her to stay under that man’s roof a single night. “He’ll leave her locked up and unable to defend herself.”
Petro nods. “I agree, which is why Anton and I will take the meeting. Once Pavlo and his lackeys leave the estate, the two of you go in and get her.” Reluctantly, I agree. “We’ll ensure that Pavlo and whoever he brings with him can’t escape. You’ll get to kill every last one of them, kid.”
Grinning at the prospect of dismembering so many men, we head back to the Renznikov estate, where waiting proves easier said than done, and my patience wears thin.
* * *
It’s been a full twenty-four hours without Liliya by my side. The house is quiet as Anton had the women, children, and staff moved to a safe house away from the property until the situation was resolved. I want nothing more than to murder. I want blood on my hands, to watch as the life leaves a mortal body. I want to cause as much pain and mayhem as I can until my wife is back in my arms, safe and sound where she should be.
To keep my mind occupied, Nadia sent me on a mission. She had ordered some home décor items for us to soften up my rooms—remember,Idecorated everything—for when Liliya returns, because she will, or I will follow her into the afterlife. Without her, there is no me, and I think the family around me now understands that because they took turns keeping an eye on me.
Anton is set to meet Pavlo at his building downtown with whatever entourage the man brings. I’m confident they won’t be leaving there. And right now, the two guards who were with Liliya yesterday are scoping out the house discreetly to keep Vasyl and me apprised of what’s happening and who is still present.
“You ready, kid?” Vasyl claps me on the back as I stand in the blistering wind, snow whipping around as a winter storm has decided to make a scene.
“Yes.” I’ve been ready for hours. Since the moment I learned she was taken.
Loading into the vehicle, two more filled with trusted men follow behind us. “Anyone who has touched her is mine. Yosyp is mine.” I’ve heard the rumors about the man and what he likes to do to women. If he’s harmed one hair on Liliya’s head, it will take months for me to finish with the dismemberment of his body.
“You’re not going to let me have any fun, are you?” Vasyl complains as he drives off the estate.
The ride is primarily silent, only filled when Petro calls to confirm that Pavlo Vovk has arrived at Anton’s building with a dozen or more men. Shortly after, we receive a call from Liliya’s guards that the house is mostly empty. There are three guards outside that they’re ready to take care of and less than a handful of household staff.
I’m not sure what angers me more, that Pavlo thinks so little of my abilities or so little of his only child that he would leave her so vulnerable.
It doesn’t matter. Not after today. The only one who will be protecting her in the future is me. She will have to get used to being glued to my side because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let her out of my sight again. Not when this is what happens the first time I do.
“Have you talked about children?” Vasyl asks so suddenly I’m too stunned to speak. “You know, babies, little people. They scream, poop, puke, and there is very little sleep.” All those things sound disgusting, yet Vasyl seems like he enjoys it.
“Briefly, when I told her I wouldn’t be able to cut her when she’s expecting.” I’m watching him so closely that I don’t miss the wince.
“You really do that. You cut her?” He glances at me quickly before looking back at the road as we approach Vovk’s estate in the distance.