Page 6 of His Jailbird (Mafia Made)
“As expected.” My words are harsher than I intend because my desire to throw her against the wall and fuck her silly is nearly too much to fight down. “Dinner will be ready soon.” Disappointment quickly flashes in her eyes before she masks it, and I want to kick my own ass.
Giving me a tight smile, she reaches out for Capo, who is immediately at her side, staring up at her with a love-struck expression. I find I’m beginning to understand how the mutt feels.
“Thank you for picking me up today and for the dress. It’s lovely.” Her gaze never meets mine. Her submissive nature is ingrained in her, and I suddenly understand why purchasing her was so important to my father. With any other man, she would have been exploited until she was a shell. Death for her would have been a welcome relief.
Esme calls out that dinner is ready before I can tell her she’s a vision, and Nicola bolts for the dining room. Sitting at the table through an awkward meal filled with silence, we’re all saved by the sound of the front doorbell ringing.
Frowning, Nicola follows after Esme, and when I get sight of her face as these high school kids pile into my family home, I know Esme has made a grave mistake. These kids aren’t Nicola’s friends. And if I had to guess, they might have been her tormentors.
* * *
Staringinto the faces of the people who have spent months making my life hell, I don’t know whether to run or stay rooted to the spot. Capo remains supportively at my side, growling when anyone gets too close.
I think everyone’s curiosity about the Cardarelli home keeps them from saying anything too insulting to me, but I see them whispering to each other. The way their eyes dart from me to the room and back. When I see Gina enter the house, my spine turns to concrete as she walks right up to me.
“Lucky you, huh. Beautiful house in the hills, money, and your own sugar daddy.” I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from knocking her lights out.
“Your nose didn’t heal so nicely. It’s slightly crooked,” I snap back. Her eyes widen, and I turn my back, entering the spacious family room where Esme has put out platters of food and drinks, and music begins to play from the space’s sound system.
Domino stands just outside the entrance, watching me with an intensity that makes me nervous.
“Happy birthday, Nicola,” one of the guys who wasn’t a complete dick to me at school says.
Turning to smile at him, I see Domino’s glare but ignore it. “Thank you, Gio.”
His gaze slowly rakes over my body, and I want to squirm. But it doesn’t have the same effect as when Domino does it. “Would you like to dance?” he asks me, clasping my fingers before I can answer and pulling me into his body.
With one hand around my waist, I can feel every line of his body. We’re nearly the same height, so I’m aware when his erection begins to grow. Cutting a look over to Domino to gauge his reaction, his face is blank. Not a blip of emotion to be seen.
I don’t know why but that annoys me. It cuts deep into my core, so when Gio’s hand lowers a little more after a minute to cover my ass, I let it go and lean my head on his shoulder.
I don’t like this. I hate being in someone’s arms when the one I want holding me is planted like stone across the room. When I spot Gina and one of her friends approach him, touch his arm, and flirt with him, tears gather in my eyes.
My worst enemy cuddling close to the only man I’ve ever been attracted to makes my heart pound in my ears and anger bubbles in my chest. I can feel the rage consume me when Gina leans up to place a kiss on his neck as her hand moves to his head, pulling him down for a kiss that should have been mine.
Closing my eyes and doing the breathing exercises the detention center shrink instructed I do when I feel myself about to lose control helps until I open them again and see Domino’s hands on her hips. His eyelids open and spear me. Even as he kisses another girl.
Clenching my jaw, I duck my head and count to one hundred. I can’t lose it here. I can’t attack her. If I do something stupid, I’ll be locked up in actual jail, not just some juvenile facility. And I barely survived that. I won’t live very long in prison with hardened women.
As the song comes to an end, I pull back from Gio. “Thank you for the dance.” With that, I walk away, leaving the room and entering the kitchen where Esme is cleaning up.
“Why aren’t you out there with your friends?” Her smile is friendly, caring.
“Too much right now.” Her head nods, and she continues on, not catching onto my depression. Swallowing roughly, I see Capo sitting by an empty water bowl, so I go over and pick it up. Esme is gone, and I’m alone in the kitchen as I fill the container at the sink.
Placing it down in front of the dog, I feel a pair of hands on my hips and a body pressing me into the fridge. “I was hoping we could go up to your room, celebrate your release properly.” Gio’s voice slicks across my ear as he kisses my neck.
Shoving back on him, he doesn’t budge. “I’d rather not.” Panic begins to grow in my chest until I hear Capo start to growl. “Let me go, or he’ll attack you.” I nod down to the vicious-looking dog.
I feel Gio freeze behind me. Capo’s head lowers, baring his teeth, readying himself to attack at my command.
Before pushing off me, Gio locks his fingers in my hair, dragging my head back and biting down on my neck until I can feel his teeth digging into my flesh.
“Let me go,” I grunt, trying again to push him off.
“Guess she was right.” Domino stands in the entrance with his head cocked to the side. Studying the way Gio is holding me, I can tell he makes the wrong assumption.