Page 31 of His Jailbird (Mafia Made)
“You’re going to be a daddy.” As soon as the words pass my lips, he plows into me, forcing a scream up my throat from the shock.
* * *
I knew,obviously, but it hits differently coming from her mouth instead of my brother’s. Hearing Nicola confess that she’s carrying my baby did something to me. Flipped a switch to claim her all over again.
Everything over the last few weeks has been flying by so quickly that I haven’t been able to confront her about the bomb Santi dropped before we went in to rescue her, only to find she’d rescued herself. Finding her in the middle of the road, bloody, barefoot, and in nothing but my shirt and ripped robe, my dick had never been harder. I took her so roughly that night that I thought she might kick me to the curb.
Not my Nicola, no. She’s tough as fucking nails and will kick ass proving it. Like now. Her body is languid for me. Relaxed and inviting. Taking every pounding inch of my cock while holding my stare, daring me to fuck her harder. Begging me to tell her how much I fucking love her.
And it hits me, balls deep, lost in absolute pleasure, that I haven’t said the words to her yet. Words she’s likely been waiting for since the moment I slid inside her body that first time.
“I fucking love you,cara mia. More than I ever thought I could love someone. I’ll never let you go.” I don’t give her a chance to respond as I drop a blistering kiss on her swollen lips.
Sucking the breath from her mouth, I swallow her rapturous moans as her fingers dig into my shoulders, forcing me closer.
Dragging her mouth away, Nicola licks up my jaw and bites down on my earlobe before hissing, “I love you too,daddy,” with a giggle. “That is so much dirtier now.”
Christ.She is going to do her damnedest to get me worked up over this every fucking time she says it now.
“Nice and quiet now,cara mia. Take daddy’s cock and let me enjoy this pussy.” Her grin is breathtaking as she lays back on the desk, raising her hands above her head and closing her eyes. Arching her back, my dick slips deeper, hitting that spot inside her that drives her crazy.
Her body shivers and shakes until finally, gloriously, she lets go with my name screaming from her lips. I’m quick to follow her, closing my eyes as the ecstasy rolls through my body, tensing my muscles and damn near blinding me in the process.
Slumping back in my chair, I pull her into my lap and bury my head in the crook of her neck, whispering my love in her ear. Ensuring she always knows exactly how I feel.
“Next time you tell Santi or any of my other brothers first, though, we’re going to have issues.” Ignoring my threat, she pats my chest and kisses my neck. It only takes a few minutes for her to fall asleep in my embrace.
For the first time since meeting my little jailbird, I feel the world shift beneath my feet, acknowledging that my loyalty isn’t just to the Morello’s or my family’s name, but I was brought home for this woman.
I’m here to be hers every bit as much as she is mine.
Epilogue Two
About Eight Months Later.
It’s too early.I’m not ready.We’re not ready. I’m supposed to have a few more weeks as an incubator. I haven’t even picked the color of the walls yet!
“Cara mia, you have to breathe,” Domino soothes in my ears as he sits behind me, holding my legs spread eagle for everyone in the room to see my goods. “Stop holding your breath, Nicola,” he snaps this time, and I begrudgingly let the air whoosh out of my lungs.
“Shut. Up,” I hiss at him as I bear down, attempting to push this bowling ball out of my vagina. Pain like nothing I’ve ever felt assaults me before I experience intense relief and then a tiny cry.
“She’s here,” I whisper, letting all my weight rest against my husband’s chest.
“He. You mean he.” Domino is dead set against having girls, while I don’t care either way. I just want a healthy baby.
“Here we go. A beautiful little boy.” The nurse places our son on my chest, and through my own sweat and tears, I feel an unexpected wetness slowly dropping onto my bare shoulder.
Gazing up at Domino, I see tears in his eyes as he stares down at our gorgeous little boy. “He’s fucking perfect, just like his mamma.” While kissing my cheek, his focus remains on the infant in my arms as his fingers caress the boy’s face.
Growling as I hand the baby back to the nurse so they can clean him up and get me cleaned up, Domino nearly snatches him back before I catch his hand. “He’s fine, Domino.”
As soon as my pregnancy began showing, Domino had a hard time letting me out of arms reach and was quick to convince me to tie the knot. Not much convincing was required, however. In truth, I wanted to be his wife. But he has the same look in his eyes now as he did on our wedding day: possession and ownership.
“Go with him,” I encourage as another nurse helps me sit forward so he can get out. Appearing torn at leaving my side, I smile and shoo Dom away to follow the baby to another room.