Page 24 of His Jailbird (Mafia Made)
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Lyingon the couch with a cool cloth over my head, I know Domino is on his way home from whatever he was doing and also knows what I did. Which means he’s going to be furious with me. Again. Nothing new there. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.
“Could you be pregnant?” My entire body freezes at the doctor’s suggestion. Peeking out from under the washcloth, I meet his stare and nod briefly. “How far along do you think?”
That’s a no-brainer. “I had sex for the first time around nine days ago. Can you even tell that soon?” I don’t know anything about this kind of stuff.
“You can. Usually from severe morning sickness. I’m going to order some bloodwork that I want you to get done in two weeks, your hormone levels will be higher by then, and it’ll be a more definitive result than what we’d get now, so soon.” I barely listen as he speaks.
“Yeah, sure.” I agree to all the tests he wants to run, covering my eyes again.
“I’ll leave instructions for these.” I hear a pill bottle as it shakes in his hand while he pulls it from his bag of tricks. “I’m leaving a prescription for the morning sickness in case it continues to worsen or make your days unbearable.”
“Thank you.” I place a hand over my belly.
A baby.
It’s quiet a moment before he asks, “Do you want this child, Miss Salvatore?”
Pulling the cloth from my head completely, I sit up. That’s not something I would have thought about. I’m dumbstruck as he packs up his instruments.
“It’s not a question you need to answer right now, but you do have options.” I give a polite smile as he exits out the front door, and I stare after him.
“Do you?” My gaze swings to the kitchen entrance, where I see Santi standing. I didn’t even know he was there.
“You can’t tell him,” I say instead of answering his question. My gaze slips down to the few pieces of paper and a bottle that says prenatal vitamins.
“Give me your answer, and I won’t,” he bargains.
Picking up the bottle, I concentrate on the image of the pregnant woman, and I wonder if I’d make a good mother. If we’d make good parents. Does Domino want children?
“Do you think he could ever love me?” My voice hardly makes a sound in the noiseless room.
“I’d say he already does.” I look up to see Santi entering the room. Sitting next to me, he grips the hand holding the bottle. “Dom is different than the rest of us. His moral compass is straight as an arrow.” I frown; the implications of that are clear. “If you don’t want this baby, that’s your choice, Nicola. But don’t tell him until you’re sure of what you want.”
“Because he’ll want to do the right thing.” Marry me out of duty and not love.
Santi shrugs. “Yes and no. He’s already claimed you. In his eyes, you’re already a Cardarelli. He might want to make it official to protect you both from what comes with our name, but don’t for a second think he doesn’t choose you already, baby or not.”
I nod as he stands, gripping his hand before he leaves the room. “I want the baby. I want any part of Domino I can have.” A beaming grin spreads across the man’s face. “Please don’t tell him. Not yet. I need time to process everything. There’s so much happening, and I’m barely holding it together.”
“I’ll keep your secret, for now. But you have to promise not to take any more risks. You can’t do anything to put yourself or the nugget in danger. Deal?” He holds out a hand as I hear the garage door opening.
“Deal.” I shake before rushing up to my room and stashing the pills and paperwork. I don’t want to hide this news from Domino, but I’d prefer to tell him at the right time and after I’ve had confirmation with the bloodwork.
Heading back downstairs, I find Domino in the hallway to the garage entrance, speaking with Pace and Donato. His head pops up as soon as he hears me.
My heart races as his intense stare bores into me. My body tingles as his gaze works me from head to toe, searching for something.
Dismissing his brothers, Domino stalks towards me, his body primed and prowling like a hunter who’s zeroed in on his prey. Retreating as he progresses, my back hits a wall, and his mouth descends on mine. Thankfully, I’ve brushed my teeth enough that I’ll taste mint for a month.
His hands are considerate as he holds me close. His fingers clenching into my spine, the need rippling through his body for us to be as close as possible only makes my frantic breathing tighten.
“Are you okay?” he growls, pulling back slightly. Only allowing air to pass between our lips.
“Very. I miss you at night,” I confess. Sleeping in his arms is one of the few places I feel safe. I’m slowly coming to realize that if I want Domino to be more open with his emotions with me, I have to be vulnerable with him in a way I’ve never been before. He has to know I’m all-in with us as much as he is.