Page 82 of Shadow's Raven
“The fact remains that I have to dosomething. Things cannot continue as they have. I don’t have it in me to let it go.”
“True,” Draven agreed, taking a sip of wine. “But at least now you shouldn't feel compelled to follow through with anything in the short term. It will give everyone, your father included, time to think about it. I would advise you to take your time. Between all of us, I’m sure we can come up with something. You’ll see.”
I nodded so he knew I’d heard him. Though Draven’s intonation was meant to be reassuring, my worries had not been allayed. In fact, I was starting to question my ability to reason. Kol had been right. I really was a dummy.
Chapter 18
My mate and I returned to our quarters, neither of us saying a word. I couldn’t speak for Raven, but my mind was a conflicted mess.
As much as I wanted to rail at her, she’d already admitted to her folly as we wrapped up dinner. I couldn’t hold against her the desperation she must have felt to escape captivity. She hadn’t been in a position to make sound decisions.
Blood oaths had a tendency to backfire. I’d only be telling her something she already knew if I spoke such a thing aloud. No, this wasn’t something we’d be addressing tonight.
I opened the door and let her enter ahead of me, her mouth set in a firm line. I didn’t care for the slight lift in her shoulders or how she was holding herself so stiffly. We had a major problem to deal with, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t figure it out.
“I’m going to go draw a bath. You should take some time and try to relax tonight. A bath will help.”
“No buts,” I countered, putting my hands on her biceps and sliding them down slowly to her hands. “You’ve had more physical activity today than you’ve probably had in months. Plus you have a lot to process right now, which is only making your recently-healed muscles more tense. Let me take care of you, for at least a little while, okay?”
Raven’s incisors gnawed at her bottom lip but she didn’t argue. Gently, I brought her hands up and kissed each of her palms. Her breath deepened. I had plans to see just how out of breath I could get her. But first I needed to tend to my mate’s more pressing needs. I kissed her lips chastely and released her hands.
“There’s a new robe hanging on the back of the closet door,” I informed her on my way into the bathroom.
Raven followed and disappeared inside the closet. I readied the water, pouring a special mixture I kept on hand for days that had been especially tiring. The whirlpool bubbled and hissed as the ingredients rapidly dissolved.
I watched the frothy suds spread across the enormous bath. Lyric called it my party pool and often made fun of its size. Though it was ten feet by six feet, and a good four feet in depth at its center, it wasn’t big enough for me to swim in. Because it remained mostly full at all times, it didn’t take long for it to be just right.
“Mmm. Is that rosemary and mint I’m smelling?” Raven asked, approaching from behind.
“It is,” I nodded, turning to her. “I use this blend when—”
Plunk!I dropped the jar of magical herbs. It sank heavily, a dull thud announcing when it hit the bottom. Thankfully, I’d already secured the lid back onto the waterproof canister.
Raven’s violet eyes swirled with bright lavender. “Problem?” she asked, tossing the robe she wasn’t wearing on top of the large ledge to the left of the tub. She lifted a single eyebrow, standing before me wearing nothing more than a soft blush spread across her skin.
My eyes drank her in. My fingers flexed, itching with want as my gaze followed every line of her form. Tan skin covered toned muscles on her arms and legs, yet she’d maintained her feminine curves.
Her heavy breasts were set high and firm, holding my regard hostage for long seconds before I managed to notice her ribs as they expanded and contracted with her quickening heartbeat.
Further down, a narrow patch of dark hair hid some of her mound from sight. No matter. I’d see what was hidden soon enough.
I sent a silent thanks to the gods that healing magics existed. It was a wondrous thing to be able to mend in such a way that Raven likely looked very close to the way she had before she’d been imprisoned.
“I’m not sure you understand the purpose of a robe, Little Bird.”
Raven rolled her eyes and attempted to brush past me, clearly not getting the reaction she’d wanted. My arm shot out and pulled her into my frame. I held her from behind, one arm secured across her abdomen while the other came around to cup her breast possessively. My thumb rubbed across her hardened nipple.
“Cold?” I asked.
“Freezing,” she sassed, making my cock pulse painfully.
“Well, we can’t have that.”
I picked her up, cradling her like a bridegroom about to carry his new wife across the threshold. I moved forward until my knees touched the side of the tub. Our mouths were a hairsbreadth apart. I nipped her bottom lip and she sucked in a quiet gasp.