Page 65 of Shadow's Raven
“Her blood pressure is high,” Draven told him. “She needs bed rest.”
Hugo pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s not what I said. What I said was her blood pressure is a little higher than I would like and we will monitor it. If it gets worse, we’ll explore more serious avenues to bring it down. Bed rest is one of the options if it continues to climb. I was speaking in the future tense and you know it.”
Lyric nodded in agreement, glaring at her mate. “Future tense.Ifthings get worse.”
“I’m trying to be proactive and prevent it from happening.”
“If you’re so proactive, maybe you should consider getting off my nuts! Have you considered that all your damned hovering all the damned time is making my damned blood pressure spike?”
Draven’s face lost both color and expression. It made him look a little lost. Quickly, he recovered and I felt a little sorry for him.
“Oh, hell,” she sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I love you and I know why you do it. But you have to have a little faith in me. I’m not being reckless. I’m not.”
“Angel,” Draven murmured, lowering his forehead to hers.
Lyric sniffled and I felt like a voyeur. If the couple wasn’t blocking the door, I’d have tried to slip inside unnoticed. Casimir took my hand and squeezed.
“Alright, why don’t you two go relax in your quarters before lunch so I can get back to doing my job. I’ll make sure the kitchen gets the message to reduce the sodium in your meals. And stop drinking those sports drinks, Lyric. Water only from now on.”
“Not even lemonade??” she whined. “I already had to give up the bourbon!”
“Fine. You can put lemon in the water.”
Ignoring the three of us, Draven picked up his distressed mate and continued murmuring to her as they took off down the hall. Their devotion was enviable.
“Come on in,” Hugo said and we followed him inside to a private exam room.
“Please sit up here,” he requested, patting the exam table.
I looked at Casimir then back to Hugo, who must have been a mind reader.
“Cas, please go tell Kree we’re ready for her.”
My mate opened his mouth and Hugo cut him off. “Frown all you like, but I’m not doing an exam in front of you. Any ailment, treatment, or general question of Raven’s health is confidential. Should she choose to include you, I’ll let you know.”
Casimir’s mouth flattened before turning to me in question
“I’d prefer to speak to Hugo in private.”
He inhaled but didn’t argue. “Alright. I’ll go find Kree.”
After he was gone I thanked Hugo.
“Shadow males can be overbearing, especially once they’ve found their soulmate. While this is totally confidential, I do recommend talking about it to him eventually.”
My nose wrinkled.
“If the roles were reversed you’d want to know. Just think about it.”
The thought of someone tearing into his flesh and salting it brought forth a surge of incensed energy. I tamped it back down and nodded in silent agreement.
“Now,” he said, “let’s discuss your options before Kree gets here.”
“Should I remove my shirt?”
“Not yet. I know what’s there.”
My spine relaxed. I hadn’t even realized I’d been so tense. “What do you plan to do?”