Page 63 of Shadow's Raven
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“What about you?” I asked sleepily, my hand drifting behind me to his erection. He’d taken the edge off but I was willing to do more.
Casimir hissed when my fingers grazed his front and he quickly put my hand back where it had been, keeping his own on top of mine. “Not tonight, Little Bird.”
“It hardly seems fair.”
“I’ll not have a score kept between us. You will never owe me for a single thing I choose to give, no matter the circumstances. As far as I’m concerned, being able to have you this close is a gift, especially when I was certain you’d kick me out as soon as I slid into bed.”
My heart thumped. “Casimir …”
He pressed a soft kiss behind my ear. “Do you think you can sleep now?”
“Good. Now close your eyes and go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake.”
I was tempted to argue but refrained. Both mind and body were relaxing finally, so I allowed myself to drift off.
Chapter 15
The first thing I noticed when I awoke was the lack of heat at my back. My arm patted the bed behind me, finding cool linens and no Casimir.
“I’m here.”
Prying open my eyes, his visage came into focus in the morning light. Dressed and seated in a chair beside the bed, he greeted me with a warm smile.
“Good morning, Little Bird.”
I sat up and rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. “What time is it?”
“After ten. We missed breakfast so I had something brought up.”
Looking on the other side of the room, I saw a small table set for two. One of the plates held the remains of someone’s breakfast. I hoped he hadn’t waited long to eat.
“How long have you been sitting there?”
“Not long. I showered first, then ate and did some work at my desk for a while.”
“And I slept through that?”
“You were exhausted. Rightfully so. You started stirring about half an hour ago.”
“So you decided to sit and watch?”
“Is that normal behavior for you?”
“What? Sitting and watching a female sleep?”
“No. It sounds creepy when said aloud. I was trying to keep quiet so you could sleep as long as possible. I had just started reading this,” he held up a book, “when you frantically began searching for my body. Don’t worry, it’s right here and at your service.”
Despite myself, my lips twitched.