Page 55 of Shadow's Raven
“When you’re not alone,” she supplemented.
“Yes, well, it works for that, too.”
Her face fell, but her words came out sharp. “Why not include that little piece as part of your presentation?”
I released a shallow sigh. “Because it wasn’t the reason why I had the spell added.”
“So you didn’t think of it just now? Of the females you’ve …” she motioned towards the shower.
“I won’t insult you by lying or, gods forbid, stretching the truth to the point your fae ears pick it up as a lie. But no, I wasn’t thinking of any other females.”
Her adorable frown made me want to kiss her again.
“You’re … telling the truth.”
“Then why do you look both confused and pissed off?”
“Because I just am, okay?” she threw her hands up. “If we’re to get to know one another, complete honesty is important. I understand it. I accept it. And I hate it. Though I appreciate your truthfulness, the idea of you enjoying a female in this shower makes me want to hurt someone. It’s ridiculous.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is! You’re a demon. Of course you’ve had many females in your bed. It’s normal. The fae and witches are also sensual creatures. We don’t wait to explore that side of ourselves until we have a mate because it could take centuries to find one.”
“You make a fair point, but I think it’s completely natural to want to murder someone who knows your mate intimately, even someone who merely wants to.”
“Murder’s a bit of a stretch. I was thinking more along the lines of ruining someone’s pretty face or cutting off the fingers that had touched you.”
Her possessiveness kindled my own. “Then tell me why I want to barge into your father’s office in Terek, write down the names of every male seeking to be mated to you, and hunt them down so I can remove their hearts with my bare hands? And that’s not hyperbole. I have truly had those thoughts.”
Raven’s pert nose scrunched. “What are you talking about?”
“You don’t know?”
Brokk must have kept the proposals to himself. I doubted he would ever agree to any of them because he wasn’t the sort of male to force his daughter into something she didn’t want. Why keep it secret, though?
“Can we go into the other room?” I asked. “Your scent in this enclosed space is making it difficult for me to remain clear headed.”
Raven moved quickly out of the stall and into the main quarters, taking a seat in the sitting area. I took the one opposite.
“Brokk has six offers he’s been sitting on for the past year.”
“Offers? To bematedto me?”
Raven ran both palms over her face. “I had no idea.”
“I gathered.”
“He should have told me. Not that he’d dare to broker a match, but it isn’t something I thought he’d hide. There’s no reason to hide it.”
“Perhaps they came in after you left for Ansley Keep and he planned to sit on them until you returned?”
She lifted a shoulder. “I still don’t understand. He should know I’d have laughed at them and then instructed him to tell the males to piss off. I would never want to be with someone who only wants me in order to form an alliance with my father.”
“I doubt an alliance would be the only reason, Little Bird.”