Page 40 of Shadow's Raven
“Oh.” I’d never heard of such a thing but demons were different from both fae and witches.
Muffled voices came through the door and I glanced over, suddenly nervous. They all knew I was Casimir’s mate. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Plus, we hadn’t worked out much of anything in the fifteen minutes of privacy they’d granted. At least we’d determined I hadn’t accidentally formed a full soulbond.
My head swiveled to Casimir, his demeanor altering once again. I was glad it wasn’t just me struggling to maintain composure.
“Just so there are no misunderstandings between us, I don’t care that we only officially met today. You willneverentertain a single one of those offers sitting on your father’s desk. I’ll kill any male who would be stupid enough to get in the way of my claim.”
With his shocking assertion, Casimir rose and moved down to the empty seat next to Lyric's, leaving me in stunned silence.
Offers? What offers?
Chapter 11
Steam was coming out of my ears. Why Brokk felt the need to disclose that he had six different proposals to be mated to his daughter from males of various factions was anyone’s guess. I had two eyeballs. I could see exactly how desirable she was.
More importantly, when our spirits first touched, I’d sensed the principled character of her soul, so incorruptible and true I felt unworthy. Having me for a mate, well, I knew which of the two of us was lucky and it sure as hell wasn’t Raven.
Not that it mattered enough for me to alter my course. Nothing short of death would prevent me from claiming her, not even her infuriating statement that our tie was abasic suggestion. I had plans to fuck that nonsense right out of her.
Ignoring the Council’s concerned looks, I tracked Brokk as he walked behind Raven’s chair to his. He said nothing though his face wasn’t a happy one.
Draven waited for everyone to get situated before saying, “I’m assuming you didn’t have enough time to properly sort yourselves out, but we’re good to move on for now, yes?”
“That’s up to Raven,” I deferred.
“I’m good,” she said.
Lyric smiled. “Great. Please continue from where we were before Sir Psycho interrupted.”
If Raven or her kin had thoughts about Lyric’s name calling, they didn’t show any. No, Raven went straight into her story and the entire room listened intently.
She sounded like a soldier reporting back to her commander. Succinct, all facts and no emotion, not even when she explained why she’d been taken.
Neither Brokk nor Kol reacted and I knew this wasn’t the first they were hearing of what occurred. When Raven finished, the room remained silent, its occupants digesting the tale.
What they’d done to my mate … she didn’t disclose the details but she hadn’t needed to. I’d seen most of her injuries. It didn’t matter that I hardly knew her. I would right the wrong and relish doing it.
Falling back onto old ways, I let myself feel, allowing the mania to bubble and simmer. I welcomed it. Shaped it. Pressed it into a cold ball of fury before tucking it away. I’d call upon it when it was needed, preferably on my way to separate Sersha’s head from her shoulders while Malcolm watched.
“... and then I woke up in the infirmary,” Raven concluded.
“The Fae Queen is one twisted bitch,” Lyric proclaimed. “She’ll have to be dealt with. The question is how.”
Raven shook her head. “Not by the Shadows.”
“You’re family now,” Draven said. “We take care of our own.”
“I’m a stranger. You owe me nothing.”
I pressed my tongue to the back of my teeth, thinking I’d need to bite it off to keep quiet. This wasn’t the time to insult her conclusions. I’d make sure she felt differently soon enough.
Raven looked around the table, then at her father, likely looking for an ally in her argument. When she found none, she set her jaw in determination.
“I will return to Ansley Keep and deal with Sersha personally,” she pronounced.