Page 33 of Shadow's Raven
“You’re welcome. They might look like demented little piglets, but Lyson has a knack for getting them to obey commands. They’ve turned out to be excellent trackers.”
“Really?” my father said, surveying the pup with curiosity.
“Really. You can join Kol and I, talk to Lyson, too, if you’d like. But I’d better get you to Draven before he comes searching.”
Phalen took us up a set of stairs that led to a large terrace. Heavy wooden doors opened with our approach, a line of security forces stepping out on either side.
“Expecting trouble, Phalen?” Father asked.
“I suspect trouble has already arrived,” the Shadow alleged.
My abdominals flexed though my father and Kol laughed. I failed to see the humor.
I took in my surroundings as we entered the Shadow demons’ seat of power, marking turns so I could find my way back out. Father already knew the layout, but Kol and I had never been here.
At the end of a wide hall, another set of doors was propped open. A golden-haired female marched through them, one hand on the underside of her rounded belly. A giant male walked close behind. She wasn’t a Shadow demon so I assumed she was Draven’s mate, Lyric. Phalen hadn’t mentioned she was with child.
“Stop hovering, Draven. I’m just going to the bathroom.”
The Shadow Lord said nothing, though he kept close to his female anyway. The pair simultaneously acknowledged us with nods of the head, but didn’t stop.
“So sorry, but I have to piss like a racehorse,” the female apologized, looking pained.
I wasn’t familiar with the urination habits of racehorses, but she seemed adamant something bad would happen if she didn’t go right then.
“Take your time,” Father responded.
As she passed by she smiled and waved. “I’m Lyric, this is Draven. It’s nice to meet you, Brokk, Kol, and Raven—oh my goodness! That rhymes! Isn’t that funny, Big Guy? Draven and Raven! Ha!”
Draven scratched his beard. “Mmmhmm. Hilarious.” Nodding at Phalen he told his commander to go ahead and get seated. They’d be back as soon as possible.
Inside the Council Room, we were greeted by the tall and voluptuous Talia, her brother Emile, and Kree, who I learned was Lyric’s sister. Anyone who saw Lyric and Kree together would know they were related. They had the same golden locks and dark blue eyes.
Phalen recapped the gist of what Kree had done to help and I did my best to sound appreciative. When I’d thanked her, complementing her gift, she blushed profusely.
Before leaving the infirmary, Phalen had given a brief background of each Councilmember. I thought he’d exaggerated the benevolent nature of Lyric’s sister. He hadn’t. I knew his assessment had been accurate when, during our introductions, I stood mutely as Kree patted my cheek and said words likedearlingandheart of a dragonandbeautiful souland none of my senses detected a single falsehood.
Standing before her felt like basking in the sun, warm and soothing. I felt indebted to this female. I felt the same towards Hugo, as well, but it was Kree’s power that had abated my soul’s suffering and infused my lifeforce enough to pull me back to the land of the living.
Once we were seated, Father made small talk with the group. I kept my attention on my hands, folded upon the table in front of me, focusing on my breathing so I wouldn’t fidget.
From around the table, I felt occasional inspective glances. I was thankful no one attempted to engage me in conversation. Although I was feeling more like myself, my head was still a little foggy.
Hugo said that it wasn’t all that unusual because the damage to my body had been so extensive. Though most of me was mended, I still required healing sessions to fully recharge my lifeforce if I wanted it back in fighting shape quickly.
He also said torture was likely a contributing factor to the muddling of my mind. I didn’t exactly agree. It was more likely that I could hardly focus on anything because of that ill-timed thread showing up.
Fingers drummed on the table. I tapped Kol’s knuckles and he rolled his eyes, dropping his hands back into his lap. During my time away from home I had almost missed that eye roll. Almost.
Another minute ticked by. No one was speaking any longer. Kree poured each of us a glass of water from one of the pitchers on the table.
I sat as patiently as I could. My mind wandered to the Shadow I’d thrown into the wall. Knowing Lyric was mated to Draven, my inner witch dropped the weird jealousy from when Hugo had mentioned she’d bested Casimir.
Footsteps neared and the rulers of the Shadowlands entered, closing the doors behind them. The Council rose and the Ulriks followed suit. We waited for the pair to take their seats before we did the same. I found their observation of formality at odds with what I was learning of their personalities.
To the left of me, Father leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. Kol mimicked his pose, to my right. The three of us were at the end of the long table. I was opposite from Draven, who sat at the head, his mate within touching distance.
I kept my eyes on Draven. Father trusted him, but I didn’t trust that the Shadow Lord wouldn’t turn me away once he knew the truth of things. I was still debating how much truth to share.