Page 27 of Shadow's Raven
I focused on the fact I was standing, feeling no evidence of the breaks I’d suffered in each limb. My palm ran down my thigh then up my opposite arm. Some of my muscle tone had been miraculously restored.
“My name is Hugo. I’m a healer. You’re at least part fae and can sense the truth, correct?”
“Good. I have a robe for you, if you’ll allow me to reach for it?”
“Okay,” I whispered, despising my inability to hold back the onslaught of emotions threatening to pull me under.
Hold it together, Raven.
“We can discuss your … treatment options later, when Brokk has calmed down.”
“Has—has he seen this?” I indicated the present Dolan had gifted me with his favorite bone knife.
“I don’t know. He brought you here wrapped in only a cloak. which I assume he put on you. I can’t imagine he didn’t see.”
Shit.Okay, I could handle this. I was my father’s daughter. I just had to remember how to act like it.
“On the off chance he didn’t, I don’t want him to know. Or anyone else for that matter. Promise me you’ll not mention it.”
“I would never betray a patient’s confidence, Raven. Therefore, I must be honest and tell you that I know for sure that Lyric, one of the females assisting me, saw your abdomen. She said nothing to the others and I trust her to keep her silence, but I’ll speak to her if it will put you at ease.”
Relief loosened my stiff muscles. “Thank you.”
“No thanks necessary. I’m a healer. I’ve kept many things to myself out of respect for my patients. I’m sorry for what happened to you and will do what I can to help make those marks disappear. Now catch.”
Hugo tossed the fluffy white garment. I dropped the shield as I reached for it, making quick work of putting it on. Once I was covered, I sank down, sitting on my bottom atop what appeared to be a metal examination table. I was in a medical facility of some sort.
I pointed to the double doors. “You can let him in now.”
“Are you sure?” Hugo checked. “There’s no rush. I can give you as much time as you need. I’ll have to step out there to calm him. I’ll do it if you need that from me.”
My facial muscles tightened. Kindness wasn’t something I’d experienced in what felt like forever. I appreciated the offer, but I wasn’t about to let my father cause problems for the Shadows who were risking much by granting me sanctuary.
While I didn’t want to share the extent of my experiences with strangers, it wasn’t fair to let them endanger themselves. I’d have to either warn them or leave as soon as possible.
“Thank you, but I’m sure. I’d hate for him to kill anyone or topple the building. Or both.”
“Yes, that would not be ideal,” he agreed, winking.
Since when did Shadows wink? The doors burst open and my father had me in his arms in a blink. I shook in relief.Safe. I was safe. No one would do more to keep me safe than my father.
My soul buzzed in disagreement, pulling like a magnet towards the unconscious male Hugo was now kneeling next to, carefully touching and assessing his head. Guilt, something I rarely encountered, lapped at me.
“Is he okay?”
“Iswhookay?” my father questioned, releasing me from his embrace. Prolonged hugs weren’t our thing.
“He’s fine,” Hugo pronounced. “Probably just a smidge of brain damage that will be all better in a few hours. No worries.”
Father grimaced. “What happened?”
The healer waved his hand airily, like the damage to his friend’s head was nothing. “Raven came to with a start. No big deal.”
Magenta irises glowed in my face merrily. “Congratulations, Raven. You’re the first being I know of who’s ever bested Casimir.”
Casimir. He was called Casimir. It felt important, this name, as though I should have already known it.