Page 173 of Shadow's Raven
Casimir's awestruck expression and careful touch were surprising. Pleasantly so.
"What?" he grouched. "I can't be impressed by it?"
"Him, Mo Chroí, and his name is Blaze."
The wyvern chuffed and I smiled.
My strokes moved to his head. I looked deep into his eyes, listening to his story. When he finished, Blaze looked at both of us for a moment, then bowed his head and shuffled backwards.
"What's he doing?" Casimir asked.
"Waiting for our decision."
"He senses our soulbond. A connection to me will also be a connection to you."
The Shadow's head jerked to me, then to Blaze, then back to me.
I laughed. "Oh, so now you're thinking a familiar might be a good idea."
"Well, I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea."
"Hmm. Well, since this is now our decision, you should know Blaze is nervous."
"He found his mate. They're a package deal."
Casimir cocked his head, studying Blaze. "They'll both be protective of you, yes?"
"And they'll both be able to sense you?"
"Yes. You, as well, Casimir."
"Alright. My decision is made."
"Which is?"
He shrugged. "My decision is that you know more about this than I do. I trust you to decide."
My mate's faith was everything. It had been challenging to not only accept, but to get used to, over the past year.
I couldn't love him any more than I already did. I also couldn't deny what I was picking up from him.
His youthful fascination with being connected to such powerful animals was adorable. And that, more than anything else, told me I was doing the right thing.
"Blaze, go get your mate. We accept your offer."
His powerful wings expanded excitedly and he took to the sky. We watched his shape grow smaller as he moved further away.
I jumped and locked my arms around Casimir's neck, kissing him giddily. His masculine laugh made me happy. His sexy hum turned my insides molten.
"What happens when they produce offspring?"
Animals didn't have a means to prevent pregnancy. Wyvern didn't have a high birth rate, but they still produced multiple offspring over time.