Page 15 of Shadow's Raven
Like our grandfather, Draven and I were two of the largest male Shadows around, at least in height. While we’d both preferred shorter hair than most of our fellow warriors, I’d always kept a beard where Draven had not. I only cut it because I’d let it go for so long and Talia made me realize it had gotten hideously out of control.
I flashed teeth, shaking my head. I’d cut off my shaggy mane and shaved my face clean a week ago. Stubble was already forming a thin layer and I looked forward to looking like myself again. This time, I’d be careful not to let it get out of control. No sense in looking like I felt.
“Your smile never reaches your eyes anymore,” Lyric commented softly.
My grin faded. “I know,” I agreed, unsure if my voice was loud enough for her to hear.
“Treading water while holding a heavy weight will grow tiresome real fast, Cas. Eventually, you’ll drown.” The Shadow Blade crossed her arms, scrutinizing my face. “You promised us.”
“To what?”
“To let us lighten your load.”
“I already told you about the ravens.”
“There’s more to it and you bloody well know it, Cas.”
“Picking up new ways to curse, are you?”
“Don’t deflect.”
“Don’t push me, Lyric.”
“Too late.”
She was goading me and I was letting her. I knew I was letting her and still I did nothing to stop myself from reacting. These last few months I was always a hair trigger away from cracking under the pressure. Knowing it did nothing to modulate it.
I spread my arms. “What do you want me to say? I’ve still been dreaming of ravens since I first told you a week ago? Fine. They’re still there every time I drift into slumber. I don’t know what else you want me to tell you.”
The wind picked up, lifting the stray golden strands that had fallen loose from her haphazard ponytail. Sometimes she looked so young and innocent ... until she opened her mouth.
“I want you to fucking tell me why you sent out 30 trackers this morning and why half of them were headed outside of the Shadowlands.”
“How in the hell do you know that?” I’d been discreet. I was always discreet. It’s what made me Draven’s best assassin back when we were battling for control of these lands. I did things quickly and quietly and so did the Shadow demons under my command.
“My mate is a mind reader, remember? He happened to pass by one of the Shadows who was projecting because he was panicked after being ordered to keep his mouth shut, even if asked, even if it was by the Shadow Lord himself. You know that’s a huge no-no, dude.”
“I told them to send any inquiries of their actions directly to me.”
“I’m sure you did. And I’m sure you know how Draven felt about it anyway.”
“Fuck.” My palms scrubbed my face.
The trackers only knew I was looking for someone. They had a description and my suspicions of which species of Other she might be. It was barely enough to go on, but I had to start somewhere.
“Why didn’t he say anything?” I asked.
“Because,” Draven rumbled, walking up behind me, “my beloved cousin, who is like a brother to me, who has been towing a very thin line lately, was obviously worried enough about something that he felt the need to deploy more than two dozen soldiers to go looking for something.”
Ah hell.
Chapter 5