Page 142 of Shadow's Raven
"Speaking of that charming mate of yours, where is he?" Lyric sought as she scanned the area expecting to locate him.
The vice encasing my heart tightened another notch. "I'm sure he's around somewhere."
I couldn't say the words aroundheresomewhere because I wasn't sure about that particular statement. He hadn't returned after he basically forsook me and the marking I was studiously hiding from the world.
So I'd muted the bond before falling into a fitful slumber.
I'd considered trying to slice it in half, the new addition to the bond that had woven itself around, and reinforced, our fated chain. Regrettably, I wasn't exactly sure what would happen if I did.
I'd hold off for now. I had more pressing concerns at the moment, anyway.
"Trouble in paradise?" Phalen teased.
I swallowed past the lump in my throat.
Phalen's gaze narrowed. Instead of attacking, he approached leisurely, leaning against his bokken once he was close enough to keep the conversation private.
"You're worried," he assessed in a low murmur.
There was much to worry about, but I wasn't feeling overly anxious. More like mildly on edge. I was putting my focus where it was needed.
To do so, I needed to shove my emotions into the little box I housed deep down inside. Though this trick usually worked in the past, now I had trouble keeping the lid locked tight and sealed.
Lyric vacated her cushioned seat and shuffled over. "Hey, I can whisper, too! What are you whispering about?"
The commander's attention never left my face. He couldn't read minds, but I was sure he was an expert at reading reactions. It was what made him an excellent fighter.
"Raven and I were just discussing what crawled up her ass and put that look on her face."
I opened my mouth to retort but Lyric spoke first.
"Was it Casimir's dick?" she whisper-hissed.
Gelos, help me.The god of laughter was surely using Lyric as his mouthpiece.
I couldn't help it; a belly-laugh burst out of me. An even heartier one came from Phalen. Despite the absurdity of her question she seemed quite proud of herself.
Phalen reached out and ruffled her hair. She smiled back at him contentedly. "I adore you, sweet Lyric."
"Ditto," she winked, before turning towards me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So?"
I could feel my cheeks flush and I silently cursed at my reaction. "No, Lyric. That's not ... just, no."
"Hey, I'm not judging."
My soul hummed in awareness and I turned. Through the open gate, near the tree line, Casimir's dark figure lurked in the shadows.
His eyes were fixed on me with such a fierce intensity I swore I could feel his scrutiny as surely as I'd felt his hands upon my body last night.
My heart rate quickened, and I felt my palms grow clammy. I wasn't sure whether to approach him or turn and run.
Neither, I scolded myself. Remember the plan.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with Casimir."
When Phalen and Lyric looked over to where Casimir had finally shown himself, I calmly strode to the weapons rack and returned the bokken.
Pausing long enough for him to see my intent, I moved away from the small group and towards the stone steps. Through our link, I felt him following.