Page 10 of Shadow's Raven
It made me think of Kol and all the board games we’d played to allay our winter boredom. At least Mother left behind most of the toys and games from Earth Realm when she’d abandoned us. We were children at the time, after all, Kol a mere babe.
I yawned. All this talking was draining my scant reserves and fighting the fatigue was becoming a losing battle. My body needed healing sleep. The iron on my wrists slowed my curative magic. It could eventually repair the damage, it just took much longer. With very little time between Dolan’s attentions, I hardly healed at all.
Malcolm tapped my cheek. “No sleeping, little pet. We only have a week before Sersha’s return. You have to be ready.”
He pulled out a pair of thick, dark grey gloves from a leather pocket attached to his utility belt. Most fae wore such items as a warning. One could tuck away quite a few potions and herbs under the flaps of their belt.
“What are you doing?”
“Freeing you. In exchange, you’ll divest me of the red-headed albatross around my neck.”
“Can’t do it … yourself?” I exhaled, finding it increasingly difficult to breathe.
“No. Though our souls never bonded, we’re blood bound. Neither of us can touch the other in any manner that might cause harm.”
“Funny, I figured harm was the cornerstone of Sersha’s sex life.” I tried to laugh. It came out as a wet cough. I’d almost forgotten about the damage to my ribs and abdomen.
“You have no idea.”
“I think I might have some.”
“Hmm. Yes, you might.”
Malcolm cut his finger with the tip of a knife I hadn’t seen him retrieve. He held the digit inches from my lips.
“If you want free, you will accept my bargain. I will free you. In exchange, you will kill Sersha.”
I pressed my lips together. It was a deal with the devil and I had serious trust issues.
“Raveena. Trust me.”
This time I did manage to laugh.
“I vow no harm will come to you once the bargain is fulfilled,” Malcolm insisted.
“Great. I could live an eternity in a cell, completely unharmed. No thank you.”
“She is rarely away from Ansley Keep. We’re lucky she had to leave in a hurry. This is most likely your one chance. She’s not going to go on with this much longer. There’s no way she’ll let you walk free. How, exactly, did you expect this to end once she finally accepted you’d never submit?”
I hadn’t given it much thought. I’d thought only of my family and protecting them. I’d focused my energy on my refusal to give in, of breaking the Queen without betraying myself or those I loved. I’d rather have died than allow Sersha to force me to become Malcolm’s fucktoy.
He was right. There would be no release back to the kitchens. She would have Dolan kill me. My family would never have a body to place upon the funeral pyre.
I was only supposed to be here one year, due back in Terek before the spring solstice. I didn’t even know for sure what month it was. Father would come to the Keep to look for me soon if he hadn’t already. I couldn’t let that happen.
“Vow there will be no repercussions whatsoever. Not against me, not against anyone related to me or anyone who may render aid unto me. Also, Dolan’s fate is the same as your mate’s, whether by my hand or someone else’s of my choosing.” I was out of breath and coughing by the time I got all the words out.
“I can live with that.”
“I’m not finished. I also need you to promise not to mention the details of this discussion, that I exchanged my freedom for this. To anyone. Ever. You take it with you to the grave.”
I wouldn’t be able to hide any of this from my family for long, but it was important that Brokk Ulrik not hear the truth of things from anyone other than me. Malcolm’s silence would at least buy me some time to get my head sorted enough to deal with my father.
Malcolm pursed his lips. For a second I wasn’t sure he’d agree.
“Very well. I vow to free you and give you access to a healer. I already have a location to hide you while you recover. In exchange, should you succeed in killing Sersha, there will be no repercussions from me towards anyone involved. I cannot control others who might inadvertently witness or discover whatever you may do to uphold your end of things, but I will order the guards or any other fae under my command to stand down if they attempt to intervene or seek retribution in the aftermath. Do what you will with Dolan. I’ve no use for him. And, of course, you’ll have my silence on every little detail for as long as I have yours. It’s in neither of our interests for any specifics to come to light. Now vow to me you will end Sersha’s life.”
I stared at the bead of blood quivering atop his finger, running through any other conditions I might need from him. My head was foggy and I couldn’t come up with anything. It would come back to bite me, I was sure, but what choice did I have?