Page 26 of Secret Love
“Yeah, right here.” I slide my fingers up the side of her jean clad leg wishing she wore a skirt so my hand could be under it, stroking her soft, bare skin.
“Not that I don’t want that, but we’re keeping this on the downlow at school, remember?” Her tone is slightly chastising, but she doesn’t push away my hand.
I harness my inner demons and straighten. “All right but only at school. I’ll talk to your dad later.”
“My dad?” She squeaks as she hops down. “What does he have to do with it?”
“Parents always want to know shit. Better that you let them in on a few things or they’re always up in your business. What’s going on at school? How are classes going? Have you thought about college?”
She makes a small noise of understanding. “Mom will talk to him about it anyway, but I guess it can’t hurt. What will you say to him?”
“That you and I are together.”
“He’s going to want more than that.”
“Like what? A resume? A financial statement? Donovan Construction is my co—” I shut up because is it? Now that Van’s in the picture, is Donovan Construction all mine? It’s not anymore. I have to share it. Hell, I might even get pushed to the side because Van’s the true son. Donovan Donovan. What a fucking dumbass name.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it will be fine.” Sadie rubs my arm, mistaking my sudden anger over fear of her father.
I shoot her a tight smile because I don’t want to tell her what kind of shit is going on in my head. She doesn’t need that. I try to redirect the conversation. “How’s the arm?”
“It’s fine. Actually, I don’t have much pain. I can’t wait until I don’t have to wear this sling anymore. But enough about me and Dad and Van. What are you planning?”
Her sudden change of topic catches me off guard. “Wh-what?”
“Ha!” She points a finger at me with her healthy hand. “I knew you were up to no good. Spill.”
Flushing like some kid caught with his fingers in the cookie jar, I come clean. Sort of. “Just checking out the situation in the theater department. There’s no way I got stuck in that storage room by accident.”
“But why would anyone lock you in on purpose?”
“That’s what I’m off to find out.” That and to beat a little lesson into Scully. I don’t know why he did it, but even if it was a harmless prank, it ended up hurting Sadie’s feelings, and I’m not going to stand for that. Plus, Scully is just a general dickhead, and people like him need to be knocked around once a semester for his own good.
“It was probably Rose.”
“That girl who was talking to you when we first ran into each other. She likes you and wanted to get you into a closed-in space where you would suddenly see her for who she is and fall madly in love.”
“I was in there alone. Rose is not in theater. I’m sure it’s too dorky for her, and even if we were stuck in a room together, I already know who she is and I would not fall in love with that.” Rose is self-absorbed and just wants to dangle me from her Dior purse like an expensive charm that proclaims her better than everyone else.
“What would you fall in love with?”
I peer into her eyes and pinch her chin lightly. “It’s not a question I can answer at school, babe.”
A furrow digs into her forehead. “Why not?”
“Because you imposed a no sexy-time rule here on school grounds, and I’m bound by my word not to violate that. If you want to lift it, let me know, and I can take you to a practice room and give you a hands-on description of what I love.” I waggle my eyebrows.
Sadie blushes but rolls her eyes. “I don’t need a demonstration. I can guess from your expression.” She punches my biceps and then releases a little cry. “Ouch! Are you made of steel?”
“Again, the answer would require a lifting of the sexy times ban.”
“Oh Lord. Why do I feel like this is the only response I’m going to get for anything?” She gives me a push. “Go to class, you horny fool.”