Page 14 of Secret Love
“They are looking her over.” The doctor tries to reassure me. His expression doesn’t give anything away. Do they teach that in medical school? If so, then maybe I should go to learn that skill. Every emotion I have plays across my face.
“Lean back, honey.” The nurse gently puts her hand on my good shoulder to get me to lie back slowly not to move my other one. Then she picks up a syringe to put into my IV.
“What’s that? I thought you gave me pain medication already.”
“It will help you relax.” She gives me a warm smile.
“I don’t want to relax.” The words no sooner leave my lips and I’m melting into the hospital bed. My eyes grow heavy, but I fight the pull of sleep. Dunc flutters through my mind. He always does. No matter where I go or what I do, he’s always near but never close.
“Where the hell is she?” My eyes spring open at that very familiar voice. One I’ve missed over the past few weeks. Not that I would ever admit that to him. The doctor turns towards the door as the loud steps grow closer.
I spot Dunc first. His mouth is in a straight line. He appears to be pissed. Our eyes lock. “Move.” Van tries to shove Dunc out of the doorway where he’d come to a full stop. He moves but not to get out of the way. Within three strides, he’s next to my bed.
“You okay?” His words are gruff. He’s paler than normal. Worry is etched in his face. It’s then I suddenly remember how he lost his parents. As irritated as I’ve been with Dunc, I reach out to take his hand, needing to comfort him at this moment. I wanted him to stay away before we did something we couldn’t take back. Then I got what I asked for, and I was miserable.
“I’m good. Actually, I kinda feel great.” I try to sit up.
“That’s the meds.” The nurse stops me from moving. “Be still.”
“You scared the fuck out of me.” Van drops a kiss on the top of my head.
“Don’t crowd her,” Dunc snaps. I peek up at Van, expecting him to snap back at Dunc, but he doesn’t.
“You two getting along now?” I turn my head back and forth to glance between them. “Whoa. That makes me dizzy.”
“We’re cool,” Van finally answers.
“Ah, are you being nice 'cause your cousin is freaking out?”
“He’s not my cousin,” Van grumbles.
Dunc keeps a hold of my hand. His thumb brushes back and forth against my skin. His touch is gentle, but his fingers are rough.
“I like how your thumb feels on me,” I tell him. The nurse lets out a laugh.
“The hell, Sadie.” Van runs a hand down his face.
“She has some good meds going,” the doctor informs them. “ Nicky is going to get what I need. I’ll be back in a few.”
“My mom?” I call after the doctors.
“She’s in surgery,” Van tells me before they can try and brush it off.
“What?” I try to get up, but both Van and Dunc stop me from going anywhere.
“They said she’s going to be fine. Her lung collapsed.” I let out a gasp. I knew those doctors were keeping something from me. A collapsed lung doesn’t sound fine at all. “It’s an easy fix. I promise.”
“Go be with her and send us updates,” I tell Van. “I’m fine.”
“I got her. I’ll bring her down when she’s done,” Dunc reassures him.
“You sure you’re good?” Van tosses back at him. They lock eyes for a long moment before Van nods. “All right. Give me your number so I can text or call you.” Van pulls out his phone for Dunc to put his number in. Van gives me another kiss on the top of the head before leaving.
“You came,” I say when Dunc and I are alone in the room.
“The first chance I’ve been able to get you alone.”