Page 8 of Brady
"Why the hell not?"
"We’re not seeing each other-" She broke off with a muffled squeal when he crushed his lips to hers. She started to push him away, but when her hands encountered bare, warm flesh, she hesitated and he used that.
Gentling the kiss, he shifted so he was half on top of her. He’d dreamed about this, about holding her in his arms and tasting her. In the dreams she’d tasted like honey, but nothing could compare to this.
His tongue darted into her mouth and he could feel himself melting like wax against a flame. His heart was thudding inside his chest and he felt himself harden even more. He was afraid he was going to come prematurely and couldn’t afford that.
He didn’t want to stop kissing her though, tasting her sweetness. She was undeniably sweet and soft, her toned body moving against his with restless energy. His fingers balled into the thick curls of her hair as he got rid of the pins.
He went crazy when her hands came around his neck and had to force himself to calm down. He wasn’t going to blow it. He couldn’t afford for her to know what was going on inside him.
Ending the kiss, he slid down to kiss the hollow of her throat. Her fingers tugged at his hair and he wondered if it was to stop him or urge him on.
Not bothering to think about it, he headed for her nipple. His first taste made him sweat, his skin heating even more. Swirling his tongue around the tight bud, he noted her moans, filing it away for future reference.
Biting her lips, Macayla willed herself not to cry out. The pleasure wracking her body was new to her. She'd often viewed sex as just a release, a way to let go of the tension, but nothing in her limited experience had prepared her for this.
When he transferred to the other nipple, she felt as if she was going up in flames. It was too much, she thought feverishly, and he wasn’t even inside her yet. She wanted to tell him that she wanted him to get on with it, to slide into her and allow her to feel it.
She hadn’t been prepared to enjoy it this much. It was supposed to be a duty, but now it was much more than that. Even the request from her mother had faded away into nothingness replaced by a pleasure so intense, it was searing through flesh and bone.
When he released the nipple and covered his body with hers, she reached for him eagerly, her fingers racing over the muscles of his shoulders and back.
Brady couldn’t help the gasp as he entered her slowly. Her tightness was enveloping, gripping him like a glove. His body shuddered, emerald green eyes darkening, as emotions swamped him.
For a few seconds he couldn’t mov and just stayed where he was. This was home, this was the place he’d been searching for his entire life as he slipped from relationship to relationship.
Right here, inside her, was where he belonged and he felt like weeping for the time he’d spent away from her. He was frustrated he couldn’t tell her what he was feeling and what he wanted to say. Everything he needed to tell her was trapped inside his brain and under lock and key.
For now, he was just going to have to savor the moment, to cherish this and hope to Christ it was going to take several tries before she conceived. He needed more than a day or night with her and he was praying he would get it.
He started to move, unable to keep still when she wrapped those long and strong legs around his waist and lifted her body. Her arms were around his neck. Neither of them spoke, and for that he was happy. He didn’t want conversation; he didn’t want anything to spoil the moment.
He didn’t expect her to blurt out her feelings or how much she was enjoying it, but he wished she would say something, like tell him it was good for her as well. Bending his head, he captured her lips in time to swallow her cries as the climax poured through her body and had her digging her fingers into his back.
He could feel her stiffening as if taken by surprise and was hoping and praying that this was because it was her first time feeling this way. It was the first time he’d ever been swamped by so many emotions.
He’d enjoyed women in the past, of course, but this made a difference as it was her. The woman he loved, the one. Ending the kiss, he increased the pace when he felt his own climax coming. Closing his eyes, he shuddered, and shot his load into her with a force that had his heart thundering inside his chest.
He felt her slender curves trembling against him and it took a few minutes for them both to recover. She allowed him to stay in that position, before pushing at him.
"You’re crushing me." She mumbled against his chest.
"Sorry." Rolling off her, he flopped back and stacked his hands under his head as he stared up at the ceiling.
Macayla had no idea what to say and, for the first time in her life, she was speechless. The sex had been so powerful and intense she’d felt as if she was burning up from the inside. The climax had practically destroyed her. It was the first for her and had been a shock to the system.
“What?” Her head jerked towards him with a frown on her forehead.
“We have some wine left. I was asking if you wanted some.”
“Yes. Thanks.”
With a nod, he rolled lithely to his feet. Macayla averted her eyes, but not before seeing the tautness of his butt or the long, hairy legs. Waiting until he’d left the room, she put her clothes back on and went to sit on one of the sofas. This could complicate things, but only if she allowed it.
Brady had to hide his disappointment when he came back and saw her fully dressed. Handing her the glass, he put his down and went to drag on his denims and sweater. Leaving it unzipped, he took the chair across from her and cradled the glass between his palms.