Page 79 of Brady
Afterward, he stayed there, his breathing erratic, his body shuddering. Mindful she was still recovering, he found the strength to move so she was lying in the crook of his arm, head resting on his moist chest. His hands soothed her back, feeling the tremors there.
“I had no fricking idea what I was writing about in my books.” She murmured into his chest.
His deep chuckle warmed her, bringing a smile to her lips. “I’m going to be asking for some of that royalty you’re receiving.” He moved so he could see her exquisite face. Even the bruises couldn’t take away from the staggering beauty he so admires.
“You don’t need it.” She traced a pattern in the center of his chest. “Speaking of money- “
“Were we?”
“Yes. I don’t want you giving me any.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“I just want you.” She pointed out. “I don’t need you buying me expensive jewelry or pricey clothes. I have all I need right here- “
“You know I’m going to be your husband, right? We’re also having a son- “
“That’s another thing.” A frown settled on her brow. “I don’t want you spoiling him.”
“So, no Porsche when he turns sixteen?” He kept a serious expression on his face as he gazed at her.
“I’m serious.”
“I’m sure you are.” He kissed her softly on the lips. “I’m not listening. I’m going to shower you with gifts because I love you and I love doing things for you. As far as spoiling our son, we’ll see.”
“Brady- “
He ended the conversation by seizing her lips in a kiss that made her forget what she was arguing about.
They were married in a simple ceremony at her mother's house. The ceremony was performed by the priest from the Catholic church where both mother and daughter were members. The ballroom had been transformed into a foyer, filled with fragrant tea roses, oleanders, lilies, and daffodils.
"Just because you’re not having a big society wedding, doesn’t mean it can’t be tasteful and memorable. This will be your only wedding, that much I’m sure of." Michelle told her. "Let's make it count."
The staff was a part of the ceremony as well and Macayla felt overwhelmed by the tears glittering in their eyes as she came into the room in her simple, yet stunning, olive silk and lace dress. Her hair, the thick dark brown curls had been ruthlessly brushed and tamed into an elegant coif at the nape of her neck.
She wasn’t wearing a veil, but had on a chic daring hat, that matched her dress, perched on top of her head. She wore a diamond necklace and earrings. Her mother had given her the something blue, a stunning sapphire bracelet she’d been saving for the occasion. Her something borrowed was the thin silver bracelet on her left wrist.
Now, she was standing facing her handsome groom who looked sleek and well turned out in an ash gray suit His usually tangled blonde hair was brushed back from his face and his eyes mirrored his emotions.
The vows were exchanged and within minutes they became husband and wife. A professional photographer had been hired for the occasion and pictures were being taken to document the ceremony.
The legal documents were signed and the bride and groom and their parents went outside in the garden to take some more pictures.
It wasn’t quite spring and the weather had cooperated. The sun was shining and even though the air was crisp and slightly chilly, the scent of spring and plants bursting through the earth made a pleasant backdrop.
“We’ll leave you two alone and go see to our guests." Michelle told them with a beaming smile as she took Sydney’s hand and walked along the meandering path back to the house.
"Cold?" Brady noticed a slight shiver and drew her into his arms.
"A little bit. I don't want to go inside yet." She leaned into him and drew a contented breath.
"Happy?" He whispered against her forehead.
"More than I can ever explain. Are we going to the cabin?"
"For a week. I figured it was the perfect choice." His hands soothed her back. She was his wife. She was his and he was hers. It was that simple and that meaningful. He was committed to her and would be for the rest of his life. "It was where we conceived our son. It’ll always be a significant part of our lives."