Page 73 of Brady
"Sorry. I was so out of it I didn’t make the introduction."
"As is expected." Michelle smiled at Deon slightly.
"Do you know long it's going to be before we hear anything?"
"Probably a few hours. We are in for a long night."
He found himself taking a turn as he was about to venture outside. Stopping at the nurse’s station he asked for the doctors working on Tiffany Knowles.
“Let me get that for you, Mr. Randall.” Doing something to her keyboard, she gave him the name of the doctor in charge of the operation. “Ah, here he is now. Dr. Brownley, Mr. Randall needs to speak to you.”
“Mr. Randall,” The man’s face was creased, a frown on his brow, light green eyes weary. “How may I help you?”
“How is she?” Brady asked him abruptly.
The man jerked his head toward an empty room that at a quick glance appeared to be a supply closet. “I’m not at liberty to discuss her condition with you, but I can tell you they’re still working on her.” He gave Brady a sympathetic look. “I know you’re worried- “
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it. John, That woman deliberately crashed into Macayla’s vehicle, no doubt with the intention of killing her and my baby. I’m trying to hold it together, but I’m falling apart.”
“I can tell you that Ian is the best trauma surgeon I know. And her OBGYN has been called in, to- “
“You can say it.”
“The embryo is too young to try and deliver at this point. Just know we’re all working feverishly to ensure that your fiancée and the baby survive.”
“How long do I have to wait to hear some news?”
“The operation is going to take a while and then there’s the waiting period.” Placing his hand on the younger man’s shoulder, he gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Pray, along with the science, we need all the help we can get.”
She was a character in her own book, and was being pursued by the villain.
“Wait! Don’t I know you?” She stopped in time to ask the question which, in hindsight, was a careless and foolish move. She was at the cabin and the place was familiar to her. She was counting on that to survive.
“I needed a friend and you blew me off. You thought you were better than me, didn’t you, bitch?” The face was partially covered with blood, the hair matted with it. “Just because you have money and a man who fawns all over you.
You’re probably using him. That’s what bitches like you do. You use people. I went to the effort of preparing tea and refreshment and you just sat there behaving as if you were high and mighty. You crushed me!”
Macayla jumped back as the crazed woman bore down on her, wielding a sword.
“Sword? Really. Do you even know how to use it?”
“Bitch, I’ve been taking lessons and before I’m done, you and that brat you’re carrying, will be history. That man of yours will be burying both of you.”
“Think again.” She found a thick branch that had fallen off a nearby tree. “I’m fighting for myself and our baby. Brady and I belong together and I just discovered the love of a lifetime. I’m not giving up on it”
“Bitch!” The unearthly scream was followed by a vicious poke that was aimed straight at her heart.
“She’s crashing! And her blood pressure is dropping.”
“Give me some space.” Ian ordered. “You’re not dying on us, dammit.”
The three people inside the room turned simultaneously as Ian came into the room.