Page 68 of Brady
“I know who you are. Todd Williams. At your service.” He held out a hand that was a large as a dinner plate. Brady jolted slightly at the firm grip. “You make my girl really happy. For a white guy, you seem to be alright.”
“I was under the impression she was my girl.” Brady said dryly, feeling the relief when he heard the woman under discussion behind them.
“Todd! Everything good?” She looked from one to the other anxiously.
“Black beauty.” Brushing past Brady, he hefted her into his arms and spun her around before putting her back down. “This place is over the top.”
“It is. Shall we?” Looking over her shoulder, she gazed at Brady searchingly.
“Just let me hang the jacket up and I’ll be right there.”
He waited until they’d disappeared from sight before he did that and had to stop himself from searching the pockets for drugs. Hissing out a breath, he stepped back from the coat tree, he strode into the kitchen to see Todd with a glass of wine in his hand.
“I was telling Mac here you two should come and pay a visit to the bar.”
“I was telling him that you’re not much for seedy little bars.”
“It might be fun.” Walking over, he placed a possessive arm around her waist and kissed her full on the lips. “Anything I can do to help?”
“I just have to get the chicken out the warmer. Pour yourself a glass and I’ll have some water.”
“I’ll get it. Sit.” Brady took her hand and led her over to the chair that he pulled out for her. Patting her shoulders, he went to get the meal out of the microwave.
“This place,” Todd settled in the plush chair and looked around the elegant blue and white kitchen. “I have to tell you that I had second thoughts about coming. I almost called and cancelled.”
“I was feeling the same way.” Brady told him bluntly as he placed the bowl of chicken in the center of the snowy white tablecloth.
“It’s okay, Mac. I like a man who speaks his mind.” Todd could feel the saliva pooling inside his mouth as he stared at the creamy chicken and bed of rice sprinkled with colorful vegetables on top. “You were thinking I don’t belong here.”
“I was thinking you and I have nothing in common.” He passed the bowl to Todd. “I agreed to this dinner because I can’t seem to say no to the woman I love and she told you were there for her.”
Todd shoveled out chicken and rice carefully, the delicious aroma tantalizing his taste bud. The place was over the top but it had a homey feel to it that was putting him at ease, and the guy clearly was over the moon about Mac. That was okay with him. “Who can say no to her?” He beamed over at Macayla who was watching them cautiously.
“I’m right here.”
“We know you are.” Picking up his wineglass, Brady studied her over the rim.
“That’s quite a rock you are wearing.” Todd realized that he was enjoying the visit.
“Did she tell you about the night she laid into two guys who refused to take no for an answer?”
“Not at all.” A smile played around Brady’s lip as he turned his head to look at her. “Something I’d be interested in hearing.”
Todd launched into it and before long, both men were laughing, dispelling the tension around the table.
After the dessert of raspberry crumble was served along with coffee for the men and tea for her, Brady suggested they retired to the game room.
“There’s actually a game room?” He asked, eyes wide.
“It’s pretty impressive too. Go, I will clear the table.”
“Feeling domesticated, darling?” Brady teased, leaning in for a kiss.