Page 62 of Brady
"Hmm." he looked at her over his cup as he sipped the tea he really didn’t want. "You feel an obligation to this guy?"
She bristled at that. "You think that's the reason I invited him over?"
"Have you considered the fact that neither of us - meaning the guy and I - will be comfortable around each other?"
"Because he’s black and you’re white?" She asked heatedly.
"You’re being a dick." He told her coolly. "I wasn’t talking about the color of our skin. We’re from different backgrounds and I’m sure we have nothing in common."
"You both have dicks. We can start with that."
"I’m going to ignore that."
"I had the feeling that it was my place too, or was I wrong?"
He put the cup away and rose to go to the cabinet. "I’m going to ignore that as well."
"So, I’m free to invite whomever I choose."
"Precisely. We live together and when you, or I for that matter, choose to invite someone over for dinner, the logical thing would be to discuss it first. That's what being a couple is all about. You don't go around and invite the person and then spring it on me after."
"It was spur of the moment." She ignored the guilt churning inside her and realized he was right. She should have discussed it with him before. "I’m still getting used to the couple thing."
"We’ve been living together for more than four months." He brought his glass with him and sat back down.
"That's hardly a lifetime."
He looked at her coolly. "I’m still waiting for the part where you say you were wrong."
"You want an apology?"
"One would be nice, but I have learned not to expect the unexpected."
"God! I hate when you’re like this. Okay, fine. Next time when I invite a friend over, I’ll be sure to ask your permission-" She rolled her eyes at the ominous expression on his face. "I’ll discuss it with you first. Is that better?"
"Not by a long shot. I-" They both looked up at the knock on the door.
"I hope I‘m not interrupting." Sydney pushed his way in, his eyes dancing in pleasure as he took in the scene. "I was told a very special visitor is here."
"Hey, Syd." Macayla took the coward's way out and jumped to her feet, the relief at being rescued, had her moving toward the older man. Taking her into his arms, he hugged her and glanced over at his son who remained seated. "It appears I’ve interrupted something."
Chapter 13
"Nothing, actually." She told him brightly. "Your son and I were having one of our little disagreements."
He looked from one to the other. "Should I leave?"
"No." They both said in unison. "I have a meeting in two minutes that I should prep for." He leveled a cool look at her. "We’ll discuss this later at home."
"I’m sure we will." She turned to Syd. "Let's go get that tour."
Brady watched them leave his office with a frown on his brow.
"Want to talk?"
"No." She smiled at Constance and allowed herself to be led out of the office and along the passageway. "Your son and I are like fire and fire. With no middle ground in between."