Page 52 of Brady
“Right now, I do.”
“We’re not talking about this."
"Because you’re embarrassed?"
"Because it's neither here nor there. I’ll see what I can do."
Now, she was three months pregnant and going through hell again. She thought the nausea was behind her. "I hate taking those pills." She was lethargic and her emotions were all over the place. She ended by pissing him off for no good reason, with him slamming out of the apartment to go and cool off.
So, she’d left the apartment to go and cool off herself by going to visit her mother. "I think some tea is on order." Michelle declared as soon as she came into the salon.
"While Jane is getting that together, you sit right next to your Mama and tell her what has you so hot under the collar. Darling, you’re practically steaming."
"Where’s Syd?"
"Gone to the club for the day." She waved a hand as she settled back against the cushions. "We were getting on each other's nerves. I have some lines to read and he was in my way." She stared at her daughter. "Those men of ours have a habit of trying to call the shots."
"I told Brady to piss off."
"Because he was in your way?”
"He was giving me some not-needed advice on how I should be dealing with the sickness. You know me, Mom, I hate taking pills and I’m mad as hell that this thing isn’t yet over. I’m three months pregnant and it's like it’s starting all over again."
Sighing dejectedly, she dropped down on the sofa. "For the past few days, I’ve been unable to write anything. My thoughts are chaotic, I can’t keep anything down and I feel so sad all the time."
They waited until the tray was wheeled in. "Thanks, Jane, I’ll pour."
"I want to blame it on that, but the truth is, I’m feeling a little off. I told you about that crazy neighbor?"
"Tiffany something." Michelle poured the tea into the delicate cups and handed her daughter one. "These pastries are lovely and light. If your stomach is still upset after eating them, I’ll have the chef make you some soup."
Settling back against the cushions, with the cup and saucer in her hands, she looked at her daughter. "I spoke to Sara after you told me."
"She’s my friend and I wanted to know what was going on."
"Sara told me that Ivan confessed. He’s sorry, claimed that this bitch, excuse my French, that this girl practically jumped him. Said they were alone in his office and she came in crying to him, telling him some sob story about her brother. She started bawling her eyes out and he held her to comfort her.
That’s when she was all over him. Started kissing him and rubbing the front of his pants. When he started to push her away, she dropped to her knees and took his penis out.” She shrugged slender shoulders. “It went to hell after that.”
“She planned it.”
“I’m sure she did. Now she’s claiming Ivan knocked her up and is demanding several million to keep her mouth shut."
"I hope Ivan said hell no."
"The smartest thing he’s ever done." She gave her daughter a contemplative look. "Have you seen her around since?"
Macayla shook her head as she chose a thin slice of what looked like a strawberry pastry. "I haven’t been out much because of the weather and the way I’ve been feeling. I’ve been trying to catch up on my writing.
I’m past my deadline. That's another thing that's been bugging me, and what started the argument in the first place. I told Brady I need to go back to the cabin to be alone so that I can concentrate on the writing."
"He doesn’t agree?"