Page 44 of Brady
“Oh, that much I know. You wouldn’t screw with me. I’d leave the kid with my Mom and hunt you down and maim you.”
“Maim, not kill?”
“I’d have passionate sex before cutting off-“
“Please don’t finish that sentence.”
“I was going to say fingers.”
He gave her a narrowed stare. “Is that right?”
She gave him an innocent look. “Yep. Tea. Now.”
“At your service.” He kissed her again before pushing off her. She watched him leave the room before settling back against the pillows with a satisfied smile. Even the grossness of puking her guts out in front of him didn’t feel so bad. This living together had its benefits.
She wasn’t alone and she’d always admired women who went at it alone, because the man decided that Hey! we did the deed, but guess what? I was only there for the sex.
He brought the tray table up the steps and placed it over her lap. "I found some plain soup and figured that would be better."
"You’re a good man."
"I hope you remember that when we’re having one of our fights." He brushed back the hair from her face as he sat facing her. "You were saying something when I came in."
"What was- Oh." She took a sip of the soup and felt the ease in her stomach. "I was just thinking about Tiffany and women like her and men who think they can just do the deed, bang them and leave when there are consequences."
"Naturally." He concurred, watching as she took several more sips. "He has a wife."
"He disrespected both of them."
"I’m going to play devil's advocate and ask this question. Was she aware he was married?"
She shrugged at that. “She doesn’t seem to be a moron and I know guys tend to tell the women they want to screw that the wife doesn’t understand them and all of that BS and they’re on the verge of getting a divorce.
So, get the divorce and when you sign on the dotted line, then come back and talk to me. If there are kids involved, then don't bother. I’m not messing up some kid's life and have them going into therapy because of me."
"Yet you’re sympathetic toward this woman." He pointed out, delighted by her and fascinated by her reasoning.
“I’m not judge or jury and people make mistakes. It's called being human."
He tilted his head to study her.
"Have you ever experienced anything like that? Having a married man approach you?"
"Of course." She told him loftily, finishing her soup.
"I told him to take a hike."
"You weren’t tempted?"
"He was hot and all that and was an actor." She pushed the bowl away. "I was twenty-one and there was this cast and crew party that Mom had arranged at our place.
He was the actor playing her son on the soap opera and he was cute and over thirty, which to my mind was pretty old. Like I said, he was smoking hot and I figured he thought I’d fall at his feet."
"He mustn’t have known you." Brady said dryly.