Page 4 of Brady
He’d left the urban area and turned off into the rural area, where the houses were few and far between. He’d lived in Cotswold for years and had become accustomed to the wide-open spaces and the lush green trees and grass. He’d called her when he was heading out and she’d told him that she was busy writing.
"My creative juices are flowing, but I’ll make sure I cook a meal."
" I could bring something with me?"
"It's no trouble. I need to take a break anyway. I’ve been at it since dawn. How does beef stew sound?"
"In this cold weather, it sounds heavenly."
"Good. See you soon."
He didn’t bother hoping this was going to be a romantic getaway. He knew Macayla, had known her since they were children, and she’d told him at one point that she didn’t believe in romance and all that crap.
"It's just a myth."
"You’re being cynical."
"I’m being realistic. Nothing lasts forever."
"I agree, but people can love for a lifetime."
"Don't tell me you of all people believe that."
"Why not?" He’d argued. "Just because my parents barely tolerate each other, it doesn’t mean that love doesn’t exist."
He’d been unable to change her mind and had left her to it. He made the left turn onto a dirt road and stopped there for a bit. He was surrounded by farmland and towering trees. He knew the area well, having stayed at the cabin over several summers. It was peaceful and serene and there was no sign of any life whatsoever.
A rambling farm house was set back from the road, the red brick giving off a feeling of space and comfort. He’d grown up in a cold and unfeeling house, with a mother who barely spoke to anyone. He hadn’t understood it at first and it had hurt him to the bone.
Then his Dad, who’d desperately tried to make up for it, had explained to him how it was. It still hadn’t made it any easier and he’d kept trying to reach her to no avail. Taking a deep breath, he touched the start button. It was no wonder he wanted a family of his own. The yearning inside him had grown even stronger, instead of dissipating.
"You’re worrying needlessly."
"It's my job." He said lightly as he brought her the medicine and the glass of water. "I hate to see you like this."
"Why, Syd, you do care." She smiled at him sweetly as she took the glass and medication from him.
"Cut it out." He growled, bending to kiss the top of her head. "He‘s going to the cabin."
"I know, and you’re tied up in knots."
"Can you blame me?" Lowering himself into the plump cushioned chair, he pushed forward, his elbows propped on his knees. She was still the same exquisite beauty he’d fell for all those years ago.
The illness had ravaged her face, giving the flawless complexion a few lines, and she’d lost her hair which had devastated her. But to him, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever known.
"They’ll work it out." Reaching over, she took his hand in his. "Brady’s in love with her."
"I know that. We both know your daughter is a tough nut to crack,"
"She has a weakness. Me. The fact I’m ill will sway her decision."
"You’re not concerned we’re using that to get her to come on board?"
Michelle shook her head. "Those two belong together and, unlike us, they have the freedom to be with each other."
His hand tightened on hers. He blamed himself for not standing up to his father all those years ago and denying them the happiness they deserved. He’d stayed in a loveless marriage for years and she’d drifted from one marriage to the next. It made him weak with anger at the time they’d lost.