Page 37 of Brady
“I’m fine.” She insisted. “I’ve proven I can take care of myself and Mrs. Bailey and I have gotten close.” She added, referring to his housekeeper. “If I continue to eat what she cooks, you’re going to have to roll me out of here.”
“She promised to take care of you.” He kneaded the small of her back where the pain had settled.
“Oh, that feels so good. If I’m two months in and having all of these issues, what’s going to happen when I’m in my second and third trimester?” She popped up suddenly and almost knocked him back.
“What the hell!”
“We have that stupid charity thing tonight.”
“You’re not well.”
“Oh, we’re going.” Turning over, she stared at him. “Mom is being honored for her contribution to the acting and modeling world and she’d never forgive us if we bailed.”
“She’ll understand if you’re not feeling up to it.” He pointed out.
“No.” She shook her head. It’d been three weeks since she’d moved in with him and the transition wasn’t that bad. He gave her space and, aside from calling her twice a day and riding her about eating a healthy meal, she was getting used to him.
They’d argued about the sleeping arrangements.
“I’m not used to sleeping with anyone,” She’d explained when she asked about separate suites.
“Well, get used to it.” He’d told her tightly. “We sleep in the same bed.”
She’d argued for a few minutes and then given in. It wasn’t so bad. She found herself curling into his arms after a hectic bout of sex. She was also constantly horny. So much so, it was embarrassing.
She was the one who couldn’t keep her hands off him. They’d tumble into sleep, exhausted, and in the early hours of the morning, she’d be all over him.
One night, they were having a late meal in the kitchen when the urge hit her. She pushed her plate away and climbed into his lap. That night she’d rode him like there was no tomorrow, managing to topple them both backward onto the floor.
Even now, seeing him wearing the ribbed, charcoal-gray sweater she knew she was going to jump him.
As if reading her thoughts or the expression on her face, he raised an eyebrow, the smile curving his lips.
“We have an hour.”
“I can control myself.”
“Can you?” Rising, he started to undress.
“You’re so smug, aren’t you?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” He was pulling his belt out of the loops and unzipping his pants. “When you have a woman who can’t get enough of you, what can you do?”
“Just-“ She bit her lip as he kicked his pants away, his erection in the cotton boxers sending the saliva pooling inside her mouth. He was so magnificent; the body lean and tight with well-toned muscles. She’d been given a tour of the gym on the ground floor and they’d started working out together.
She was always one for exercising, but he took it to another level, hence the well-defined muscles and strength in his body. She’d also challenged him into sparring with her in the boxing ring. "Get over her and do me."
"Yes, ma'am." Peeling off his boxers, he settled in next to her. "How’s your back?"
"You did wonders." Her hands touched his chest and felt the muscles quivered. "Pregnancy has its rewards."
"Such as?" He liked the aggressiveness she’d been portraying over the last month.
“The intense sexual urges.” Her hand drifted down his flat stomach to cup him. “I see you’re more than ready."
"For you? Always." He hissed out a breath as she circled the tip of him.