Page 14 of Brady
"I need to get some work done. I suppose you’ll be leaving soon?"
Turning from his contemplation at the window, he gave her an amused look. "Booting me out?"
"I have a deadline and I’m sure you have things to do."
"You used me and now discarding me. If I were a lesser man, I’d be feeling insecure."
"But you’re not, are you? We did what we were asked to do and, hopefully, it worked."
"So, we don’t have to do it again, right?" He could feel the familiar helpless anger burning inside his gut. How the hell could she be so detached?
"Yes." She set a plate down on the counter and stood with her hands on her hips. Her hair was still loose and made a perfect frame for her small face with the pointed chin.
"You’re going to stand there and tell me it wasn’t good for you?." Walking over to the table, he put away the cup and faced her.
"You don’t need validation if that's what you’re after."
"I know it was good, excellent as a matter of fact, but pretending you weren’t affected by what we did is pissing me off."
Her eyes blazed and turned into liquid gold. "What do you want? A trophy? Yes, it was good, the best I ever had, but that's beside the point."
"What is the point then, Macayla? We just go on about our business? You go on with your writing and life as usual and I do the same?"
"I know what I’m going to do and that’s pick up where I left off. I have work to do and my writing is the most important thing to me right now. It keeps me steady and anchored. If this thing takes, and I should know in two weeks if it did, if it takes, I’ll be plagued with all sorts of sickness and you won’t be affected. I’m the one who’ll be doing all the work-"
"Not all, by any means."
She snorted at that and turned to get her plate. "Are you talking about planting the seed, because let me assure you, that's the easiest part."
"Is it?" His voice had turned menacing and had her backing up against the counter.
"What are you doing?"
"Making sure it works." Before she could dart out of his reach, he grabbed the front of her shirt and hauled her against him.
"Let go of me."
"Not yet. You’re kicking me out, so why not give us both something to remember?"
"You can’t possibly-" She sucked in a breath when he pressed his lower body against hers. Pushing her back onto the stool, he wrapped his hand around her throat and crushed her lips with his.
Making short work of pulling down her leggings, he didn’t give her a chance to push him away as he continued to ravish her lips. Sliding between her thighs, he released his throbbing cock and entered her swiftly.
Macayla grabbed at his sweater, her fingers gripping the material desperately. She couldn’t believe this was happening again, that he could be ready for her, or that she could be so wet and needy, but she was and when he drove into her, she climaxed, her body jerking against his.
Chapter 4
"Darling, you’re back!"
"Mom." Macayla's sharp eyes noticed the bags under her eyes that makeup hadn't managed to hide.
She knew she was feeling a little worse for wear herself. After Brady had left for the day, she’d tried to get some work done to no avail. Her male character insisted on taking on some of Brady’s attributes and mannerisms and that wouldn’t do.
The female character was leaning towards sappy and that wouldn’t work either. For God’s sake, the usually strong kick-ass woman was crying when Dean told her he had to go away for a while.
"How was your trip?" Michelle eyed her daughter curiously as she came into the elegant blue and white sitting room, she’d decided to take her lunch.
"Good." She murmured briefly. "Just some juice for me, thanks, Jane." She told the housekeeper. "How are you?"