Page 9 of The Christmas Cottage
“Will do.”
While Ella slept,Baird worked at the table, reading through his client’s wife’s testimony. She was demanding full custody and financial support for her and both children, equal to what she’d enjoyed during their marriage. She claimed her husband was cold and abusive, stating he had little involvement in their children’s lives, and when he was present, he was frequently cruel and always critical.
His client claimed he’d been a victim from the start. His wife was a master manipulator and had tricked him into marrying her, convincing him she was pregnant with his child. It wasn’t until the baby arrived early, and looked nothing like him, that he suspected he’d been played. When he paid for a secret DNA test, the results were exactly as he suspected. He wasn’t the father, and when she announced she was pregnant again, he didn’t care. He wanted nothing to do with her or the children.
Baird flipped through the next few pages of testimony before closing it and pushing the paperwork away. None of the testimony surprised him. Nothing anyone did surprised him anymore. Thank goodness he wasn’t a judge, and he didn’t need to make the ruling. He just had to represent his client in court and let the system do the rest.
His phone vibrated on the table. It was Alec calling. Finally.
Baird took his phone, grabbed his coat, and stepped outside. He’d been waiting for Alec to call him all day.
Closing the cottage door behind him, Baird stiffened at the cold. It had grown dark in the past two hours, night coming early now that they were so close to the winter solstice. Tucking the phone between his jaw and shoulder, he snapped the buttons on his coat, a vintage jacket his dad had owned and passed on to him when it no longer fit him. “How are you, Alec?”
“Still trying to figure out just how much has gone missing. The loss is staggering.”
“Has anyone found Phelps?”
“No. The police don’t think he’s left the country. His wife Helen believes he’s at a business conference and will be home for Christmas.”
“Has no one told her the truth?”
“I haven’t. I have to speak to all our clients first.” Alec sighed. “But he’s the last one I would have ever suspected to embezzle client funds. James was my father’s protégé. Langley Investments’ second in command. Dad trusted James more than anyone. More than me.”
Baird knew all about that. Alec’s dad had always been incredibly hard on him. “What about the City Police? What are they doing?”
“They’re looking for Phelps, and Scotland Yard is following up on some leads, but he isn’t using his phone anymore, not since I contacted him. I should have waited. I should have brought in the detectives before calling him.”
“But as you said yesterday, it never crossed your mind that James was at the heart of this. Of course, you turned to him. He was your right hand. He had access to all accounts.” Baird hesitated. “When do you think the news will go public?”
“Soon, which is why I’m calling all clients in the morning, letting them know what’s happened, and assuring them their accounts are safe, and they will get everything back.”
“Can you do that?”
“It won’t be easy, but I won’t let any of our clients suffer because I wasn’t paying attention.”
“You’re not responsible.”
“But I am.” Alec was silent a moment. “How is everything there? Is Ella settling in okay?”
“Yes.” Baird realized he’d need to wake her soon. “She’s happy to be here and she’s having dinner with Cara tonight. Speaking of Cara, when are you going to tell her what’s happened?”
“I don’t want to upset her. She doesn’t need the stress.”
“But it will be more upsetting for her to hear about it on the evening news, when everyone else does.”
“I know. Just hoping we can get through Christmas before the news breaks. That would truly be a Christmas miracle.”
Baird felt for Alec. “Don’t worry about us, or anything here. Do what you have to do there. I’ve everything under control here. Well, at least until your aunts and Uncle Frederick arrive. Then it’s game over.”
Alec’s laugh was raw. “They’re not that bad,” he protested. Then after a moment, added, “Well, maybe they are, but in a good way. They’ll keep you busy. Ella just needs to plan lots of games and activities. That’s what Cara did last year, and it worked like a charm.”
“We’ll do our best.”
“Thank you, Baird.”
“Glad I can be here.”